Commending Marquis Sanders of Arlington for rendering medical aid to his friend Isaiah Stokes during a cardiac event.
WHEREAS, Marquis Sanders was recently recognized by the
Arlington Fire Department for his lifesaving actions on December
29, 2024; and
WHEREAS, On that day, Mr. Sanders was participating in a
pickup game of football at Bowie High School when his friend Isaiah
Stokes experienced a sudden cardiac arrest and fell unconscious;
recalling the CPR training he had received through the American Red
Cross, Mr. Sanders immediately directed other bystanders to call
9-1-1 and then took over attempts to resuscitate Mr. Stokes; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Sanders continued performing CPR until
Arlington firefighters and medics arrived on the scene; thanks to
the heroic efforts of Mr. Sanders and the crew from Fire Station 12,
Mr. Stokes went on to recover from the heart attack and was released
from the hospital in January 2025; and
WHEREAS, When confronted with a medical emergency, Marquis
Sanders remained calm and skillfully applied his CPR training to
save the life of his friend, and it is indeed fitting that he be
honored for his exemplary actions; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas
Legislature hereby commend Marquis Sanders for rendering medical
aid to his friend Isaiah Stokes during a cardiac event and extend to
him sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for Mr. Sanders as an expression of high regard by the
Texas House of Representatives.