Congratulating Jasmine Moore on winning two bronze medals at the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris.
WHEREAS, Jasmine Moore proudly represented her nation by
winning two bronze medals at the 2024 Paris Summer Olympic Games;
WHEREAS, On August 3, Ms. Moore joined the field for the
triple jump finals at Stade de France; delivering an impressive
14.67-meter leap on her second attempt, she clinched bronze and
made history as the first U.S. woman to secure an Olympic medal in
the event; five days later, she turned in another exceptional
showing, recording a distance of 6.96 meters for the bronze medal in
the long jump; with her triumphs, she became the first American
woman to compete in both the triple jump and the long jump Olympic
competitions; her success in Paris followed her inaugural Olympic
performance in 2021 in Japan; and
WHEREAS, A native of Grand Prairie, Ms. Moore was a standout
competitor at Lake Ridge High School in Mansfield, where she
collected a total of eight gold medals in the state long jump and
triple jump events; she went on to achieve impressive levels of
success at the University of Georgia and the University of Florida,
and among her many accomplishments throughout her collegiate
career, she earned 11 total Southeastern Conference championships
and 7 NCAA crowns; and
WHEREAS, By excelling in the most prominent sports showcase
in the world, Jasmine Moore has furthered the proud athletic
tradition of the Lone Star State, and she may indeed take
justifiable pride in a job well done; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas
Legislature hereby congratulate Jasmine Moore on her bronze-medal
performances at the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris and extend to
her sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for Ms. Moore as an expression of high regard by the Texas
House of Representatives.