HR 632 Introduced

In memory of Beverly Delle Parker. 





       WHEREAS, A full and productive life drew to a close with the


passing of esteemed educator Beverly Delle Parker on April 25,


2024, at the age of 86; and


       WHEREAS, The daughter of Clifford and LaDelle Stiegler, the


former Beverly Stiegler was born in San Antonio on January 4, 1938;


she completed her bachelor’s degree in sociology at Southwestern


University and began her career in elementary education in Port


Arthur; invited to create a business etiquette class at Lamar State


College Port Arthur, she came to love higher education; she went on


to earn a master’s degree from Lamar University and a doctorate in


political science from the University of Houston; during 31 years


teaching at LSCPA, she organized the LSCPA Faculty-Senate and


served as chair of the Liberal Arts Department and the


Distinguished Speaker Series; moreover, she was named the recipient


of the Julie and Ben Rogers Community Service Award; following her


retirement in 2006, she remained close to many of her colleagues and


delighted in hearing from former students; and


       WHEREAS, Dr. Parker shared a fulfilling 64-year marriage with


her husband, State Senator Carl Parker; they were blessed with


three children, Valerie, Chris, and Allen, and four grandchildren,


Andrew, Emma, Peyton, and Tripp; both avid readers and lifelong


learners, the couple had strong faith and a commitment to service in


common as well; during Senator Parker’s long career in the Texas


Legislature, Dr. Parker was a key advisor; he preceded her in death


in March 2024; and


       WHEREAS, Over the years, Dr. Parker benefited her community


in numerous capacities; she gave generously of her time and talents


to such organizations as the YMCA, the Recovery Council of


Southeast Texas, the Jefferson County Visitor’s Bureau, and the


Service League of Port Arthur; in addition, she was a member of the


Jefferson County Central Appraisal Review Board until the age of


85; she also supported the Gift of Life organization, and in 2023 it


presented her with its Shine a Light Award; patient and kind, she


extended selfless love, acceptance, and mercy toward everyone; she


treasured her friends and family above all; and


       WHEREAS, Beverly Parker earned the admiration and affection


of innumerable people through her wide-ranging contributions, and


she will forever be a source of inspiration to those she left


behind; now, therefore, be it


       RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas


Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Beverly Delle Parker


and extend sincere condolences to all who mourn her passing; and, be


it further


       RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be


prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of


Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Beverly


Delle Parker. 

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