In memory of former state senator and representative Carl Allen Parker of Port Arthur.
WHEREAS, Former state senator and representative Carl Allen
Parker of Port Arthur passed away on March 22, 2024, at the age of
89, bringing a great loss to his family, his friends, and his
community; and
WHEREAS, A Port Arthur native, Carl Parker was born on
August 6, 1934, to Harvey and Juanita Parker, who encouraged him in
his educational and career ambitions; setting his sights on
becoming an attorney, he attended The University of Texas School of
Law; while in his final year at UT, he met the former Beverly
Stiegler, with whom he exchanged wedding vows in 1960; the couple
shared more than 64 years of marriage, and their cherished family
grew to include three children, Valerie, Chris, and Allen, and four
grandchildren, Andrew, Emma, Peyton, and Tripp; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Parker served as a judge advocate general in the
United States Navy before returning to Port Arthur and joining the
law firm of Long and Parker; at that practice, which later became
The Parker Law Firm, his specialties included criminal defense,
family law, personal injury, and business transactions, and he
enjoyed having the opportunity to use his legal expertise for the
benefit of his friends, neighbors, and fellow citizens in his
hometown; and
WHEREAS, In 1962, Mr. Parker was elected to the first of
eight terms in the Texas House of Representatives, and he again
returned to the statehouse when he won his first bid to the Texas
Senate in 1976; he was a champion for working people as well as a
staunch proponent of public safety, education, and environmental
protection; among a multitude of assignments, he served as chair of
the House committees on judicial districts and penitentiaries, and
he led the Senate committee on education as chair for five
consecutive legislative sessions; when debating fellow
legislators, he was always quick with a retort, but he was known to
cast aside his differences and join former rivals in enacting
measures that he considered worthy; his skill in building consensus
made him a highly effective lawmaker, and during the 1991
legislative session, he secured the passage of a number of bills,
including legislation that provided school funding and that created
a new environmental superagency; and
WHEREAS, Senator Parker concluded his exceptional 32-year
tenure as a state legislator after his sixth term in the Senate in
1995, but he continued to volunteer his time with government
committees and groups that supported education and economic
development; he enjoyed spending his leisure time reading,
woodworking, and contributing op-eds to local newspapers, and he
authored an autobiography to share his experiences and insights
with family and friends; and
WHEREAS, Carl Parker dedicated his long legislative career to
advocating for his constituents and advancing the common good for
the State of Texas, and he leaves behind a legacy of public service
that will continue to inspire all those who had the good fortune to
know him; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas
Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of the Honorable Carl
Allen Parker and extend deepest sympathy to all those who mourn his
passing; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Carl