HR 638 Introduced

Congratulating Lanier Middle School of Houston ISD on its selection to the 2024 Texas Honor Roll. 





       WHEREAS, Lanier Middle School of the Houston Independent


School District has been named to the 2024 Texas Honor Roll by


Educational Results Partnership; and


       WHEREAS, The Texas Honor Roll is presented annually by ERP


and the Campaign for Business and Education Excellence in


collaboration with the Texas Business Leadership Council; the list


recognizes schools and districts serving students who have received


high scores on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness


in reading language arts and math; to be chosen for the honor roll,


schools and districts must have performed above the STAAR mean


score at least 80 percent of the time for all students and grades


and must demonstrate improved outcomes for historically


underserved learner populations; and


       WHEREAS, Lanier made the Texas Honor Roll in the Scholar


category, which recognizes schools and districts in which


socioeconomically disadvantaged students compose less than


one-third of the total enrollment; and


       WHEREAS, A quality education is critical to the continuing


vitality of our state, and the administrators, faculty, and staff


of Lanier Middle School are helping to equip many young Texans with


the tools they need to reach their full potential as engaged and


productive members of their community; now, therefore, be it


       RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas


Legislature hereby congratulate Lanier Middle School on its


selection to the 2024 Texas Honor Roll and extend to all those


associated with the campus sincere best wishes for continued


success with their important work; and, be it further


       RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be


prepared for the school as an expression of high regard by the Texas


House of Representatives. 

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