‘I am feeling so blessed’ Oscar winner shares good news about her cancer fight

The Oscar-winning actress revealed in September that she had been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and was undergoing chemotherapy.

WASHINGTON — Jane Fonda announced Thursday that her cancer is in remission, three months after revealing she had been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.  

The Oscar-winning actress provided the update in a blog post titled “BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!!!” She turns 85 on Dec. 21. 

“Last week I was told by my oncologist that my cancer is in remission and I can discontinue chemo. I am feeling so blessed, so fortunate,” Fonda wrote. 

She explained that while her first four chemotherapy treatments only led to a couple days of feeling tired, “the last chemo session was rough and lasted 2 weeks making it hard to accomplish much of anything.”

She’s also made headlines in recent years for her social activism. Fonda was arrested at the U.S. Capitol while peacefully protesting climate change in 2019, an action dubbed Fire Drill Fridays

Fonda said Thursday the effects from her last chemo session finally began to wear off just as she traveled to D.C. for the first in-person Fire Drill Fridays rally since the group went virtual during the COVID pandemic. When the 84-year-old actress first revealed her cancer diagnosis, she vowed to not let her chemotherapy treatments stop her climate activism. 

In 2021, she also called for more Hollywood diversity as she accepted the Cecil B. DeMille Award at the Golden Globes.

Fonda is a member of one of America’s most distinguished acting families. She is the daughter of Oscar winner Henry Fonda, who died in 1982, and sister of Peter Fonda, who died in 2019.