Is ‘Long COVID’ Actually a Mental Health Disorder?

I have written extensively at PJ Media and elsewhere about the highly insular, neurotic internet-based subculture called Zero COVID, the premise of which is that anything short of total, unending lockdown, masking requirements, and vaccine mandates enforced by the Public Health(TM) authorities is akin to eugenics — defined as “the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable.”

As any good cult does, the Zero COVID movement brands anyone in the out-group who does not blanketly endorse their most draconian demands as “eugenists.” Governments — even liberal ones — not enforcing the aforementioned policies are committing “genocide,” etc.

They very much admire the CCP’s brutal ZERO COVID policies, often referencing them as a model the West should adopt.

Looking in from the outside, it’s all very unhinged.

Related: More Than $200 Billion in COVID Aid Fraud — and That’s Just From Two Programs

One of the central claims that members of Zero COVID often make is that a phenomenon called “Long COVID” is both pervasive and underreported.

We now have a wealth of evidence, painstakingly documented by an endeavoring reporter at UnHerd, that “Long COVID” may very well be a psychosocial phenomenon — in the same way that child transgenderism is — rather than an actual physiological one:

According to a US Census Bureau survey, women are almost twice as likely as men to report having it, while transgender people are significantly more likely to do so than all other groups. A German study, meanwhile, concluded “there is accumulating evidence that adolescent girls are at particular risk of prolonged symptoms”.

Given that Covid tends to affect men more than women, why would long Covid affect women more than men? And given that Covid complications are extremely rare in the young, why would teenage girls be disproportionately affected by long Covid? Finally, given that we can’t accuse a virus of transphobia, why would long Covid affect transgender people most?”

The evidence, again, compiled in the article is both exhaustive and compelling, and well worth a read, but I am particularly struck by the finding that transgenders are disproportionately affected by “Long COVID.”

The Zero COVID cult has a decidedly Social Justice(TM) bent, intersecting with a variety of other liberal social engineering projects like transgenderism, feminism, race politics, climate change, etc. They’re the kind of people who put pronouns in their bios and mask alone in their Priuses.

Exhibit A:

On its own, this is strong qualitative evidence that Long COVID is more of a fashionable virtue-signal/mental health affliction than a medical one.


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