Is the ‘Jesus Was Convicted in a Sham Trial … and Crucified – I Still Follow Him!’ Meme Sacrilegious?


Since the jury of no one’s peers issued the Trump farcical trial verdict, a meme has popped up on Facebook:


As with everything involving anything on social media, the meme has unleashed a torrent of responses, most centered on either wholehearted agreement or strenuous objection. Let’s examine this.

Thorough research reveals even the most fervent Trump supporters have no delusion that his pending birth’s announcement came from the archangel Gabriel to his mother. Nor does anyone I am aware of hold fast to the notion that wise men from the east visited Jamaica Hospital in Queens anytime on or after June 14, 1946. No one believes Donald Trump can save your soul. He can’t. If elected in November, turning the country around will be as good as it gets. Given the furiously jaw-flapping but functionally feckless Republicans in Congress, he’ll need to get his agenda through, good luck. But that is a debate for another time.

It is understandable why any comparison between Trump and Jesus can immediately raise hackles. That said, in this case one should exercise caution to make sure said hackles don’t excessively shed on the portable fainting couches members of the Society of the Perpetually Politely Offended insist on bringing with them to every debate. I, too, despite my ofttimes rocky relationship with Jesus, believe Him alone to be the one and only Savior worthy of the title. Messianic fervor should be reserved solely for the Messiah. People wearing “Jesus is my Savior — Trump is my President” shirts know and believe this.


Not even Trump’s most passionate supporters believe him to be choirboy material. Biblical hero, perhaps, and before anyone screams blasphemy, hear me out. Compared to assorted well-known scriptural legends, Trump would need to step up his sinning game to qualify for entry. Rahab was a prostitute. King David had an affair with the wife of one of his generals, impregnated her, called her husband back from the battlefield, and tried to sweet talk him into sleeping with her to cover his tracks. When that didn’t work, David sent him back to the front with orders that would certainly get him killed so David could immediately “comfort” the grieving widow. The list goes on.

God does not excuse sin. He forgave the eternal penalty for sin on the cross for all who believe in Him and confess their sin to Him. He does not always erase sin’s consequences. The child born out of David and Bathsheba’s adultery died in infancy. The repentant former alcoholic receives a new heart in Jesus, but seldom does a new liver come with the package. We all have our own salvation to work out with fear and trembling, as Paul wrote. I have my own sins to worry about, same as everyone else’s. I don’t have time to freak out over Donald Trump’s transgressions.


The post-verdict support Trump has received should astound no one. We, the people, see through the sham. Contrary to what the well-meaning but misguided clucking Catherines are saying, there is no equating Jesus and Trump taking place. The meme is a bold statement of both faith in Christ Jesus and a thumb in the eye of those who think a pathetic show trial can dissuade Trump supporters. We are keeping the faith, and those who lust after power will not deter us.


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