‘It’s grown, every building is full now’ | There are 81 ‘Texas Main Street’ cities and 4 in North Texas share this distinction


Cities must pass a rigorous application process, meet performance benchmarks, and show long-term commitment to the Main Street Approach.

ROYSE CITY, Texas — Royse City is part of an exclusive group of Texas cities, including Denton, Waxahachie, and Grapevine, with the distinction of being an accredited “Texas Main Street” city.

Gaining this status is no easy task. Cities must pass a rigorous application process, meet performance benchmarks and show long-term commitment to the Main Street Approach. The benefits of this status, though, are significant.

Hollen Mohler opened Thymeless, on Royse City’s Main Street, in 2022.

“I’ve always been drawn to old architecture and antiques so, being down here made sense rather than being on I-30, where it doesn’t give you that home feel,” Mohler said. 

Mohler told WFAA business owners on Main Street are like family. They’re on group texts. They plan events together. And they’ve all watched the area change.

“It’s grown, every building is full now,” Mohler said. “Cookston Court wasn’t here so, there was not that gathering place for people to come down to and hang out.” 

“We work very hard to have a vibrant downtown,” said Paula Morris, Royse City Main Street Program Coordinator. 

Cookston Court is now a colorful oasis. It was once Morris’ passion project. Now, she leads Royse City’s Texas Main Street program.

“The more that we enhance and preserve the historic integrity of the buildings, the more appealing and inviting it is,” said Morris. 

Royse City became a “Main Street” community in 2012. The goal of the Texas Main Street program is to help cities revitalize their downtowns without losing that charm and history that makes it special.

One perk – architects who are available at no cost to help design renovations that preserve the historic integrity of buildings.

“Not only does it make the community more inviting, but it also increases property values. With that, more people come. Sales tax increases. More people are here. Employers need employees so, it creates jobs. Tt’s just a domino effect,” said Morris. 

The program has driven over $5 billion in reinvestment in Texas downtowns, creating jobs and supporting small businesses.

“On the weekends, in the evenings, people are lined up at the restaurants. I mean, they’re lined up out the door,” said Morris. 

Morris told WFAA Royse City’s Main Street sees thousands of visitors each year, and the money earned goes back to downtown revitalization.

“I continue to hear that downtown is the heart of Royse City,” said Morris. 

Proving that preserving the past can create a brighter, more prosperous future for the entire community.

There are 81 Main Street cities in Texas and you can discover if your city is part of the Texas Main Street Program by checking here.


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