It’s Time for Parents to Ditch Ms. Rachel


I was one of the parents who wanted to like Ms. Rachel. Her content is admittedly very good for very small children, a lot of her songs are catchy and fun for toddlers to sing, and children seem to take to her fun and charming personality very quickly. We were one of the households who put her on when screen time was allowed. 


Even in the beginning, she wasn’t without her controversies, for many parents, it was the inclusion of a woman named Jules Hoffman in her content who would play the guitar and sings songs. Jules identified as “they/them,” but despite appearing in videos, never discussed gender fluidity-based content in the Ms. Rachel’s videos. As I wrote in an open letter to Rachel Accurso who plays the Ms. Rachel character, when the Jules controversy reached its height, the backlash against Hoffman wasn’t based on hatred as many were trying to say, but a precaution against normalizing transgenderism in their children’s minds as the lifestyle came with serious dangers, including mental problems and suicide risks. 

(READ: A Non-Hostile Open Letter to YouTube Children’s Edutainer ‘Ms. Rachel’ on the Heat She’s Getting)

I was going to leave it there. So long as Ms. Rachel never pushed anything on kids directly, I’d still continue to invite her videos into our home. Besides, Hoffman just looked like a tomboy and I grew up around those. What I didn’t know is that a month after I wrote that article, Accurso would invite transgender influencer and activist Dylan Mulvaney to be on one of her videos. It was an invitation that went under the radar for a couple of years until it was recently discovered and brought to light. 

(READ: Famed Children’s YouTuber Ms. Rachel Invited Dylan Mulvaney to Guest Star in One of Her Videos)

Around the same time this came to light, Accurso had been on something of a bender in terms of commenting on political topics. She appeared crying in a TikTok video, distraught at how children in Gaza were living, and started up a charity drive to get supplies and help to them. While this isn’t a bad thing, and it’s an absolute tragedy that any child is caught up in a war zone, there was a noticeable absence of mentioning the reason this war started in the first place, and that was concern or heartbreak for the Israeli children that were brutally murdered and kidnapped at the hands of Hamas. Accruso later clarified that she cares for all children, including Israeli children, but the damage had been done. 


Then she released a message celebrating Pride Month with the added a kind-sounding message to people who weren’t going to watch her content anymore that she’s “not chasing fame or views” but that she’s “standing strong in love,” which is something you add when you want to paint your opposition as people aren’t on the side of love, which is far from true. 

Accurso then posted another video explaining that her love of the LGBT community derives from her faith in God, where she quotes Matthew 22:39, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” 

As was pointed out by J.R. Klein on X, Accurso left out that Christ first instructed to love God with all your heart, and you can’t do that if you also love sin. While Christians are not commanded to hate the LGBT community, we do not accept homosexuality as a good thing which is what Accurso does. 


At this point, I was beyond done with Accurso and the Ms. Rachel brand. Misrepresenting God in order to push sin is an age-old tactic of trying to shame Christians into compliance with political agendas, and Accruso trying to justify her obvious socio-political biases in the same way that many activists and politicians do is a step too far. 

But just to put some icing on this cake, one more occurrence happened recently that will seal the deal for many parents to block Ms. Rachel’s content in their homes as I have. This goes back to her friend Jules Hoffman, who performed at the “Queer Fam Pride Jam” in Chicago, and according to Spencer Lindquist of the Daily Wire who attended the event, Hoffman opened the event which was designed to get children in close with LGBT lifestyles, content, drag queens, and more. Lindquist’s entire article paints a gross picture of indoctrination, and they used Hoffman as a draw to get parents and children in: 

The opening performance at the “Queer Fam Pride Jam” was by Jules Hoffman, who is famous for performing songs aimed at teaching infants and toddlers their first words on Ms. Rachel, the YouTube channel with nearly 10 million subscribers. The “songs for littles” performer, who sparked controversy when she instructed people to refer to her with the pronouns “they/them,” excitedly invited parents and their “littles” to see her free show.

Hoffman performed the songs she’s famous with babies and their parents for, such as “Crabby Crab.” But making it to the stage wasn’t exactly kid-friendly. After I made my way through security alongside dozens of stroller-wielding families, I entered a packed tent where everyone appeared to be either forty or under four.

One of the first tables that greeted attendees was manned by a drag queen in a pink shawl, tight green spandex, and a frizzy wig offering “drag makeovers” for kids. The line grew long, with children and toddlers uneasy as their parents walked them up to the man in drag, who held the chin of a child steady as he applied red paint to his brow.

The booth foreshadowed the rest of the day, which prominently featured three different drag performers who danced for the children, with one even accepting a dollar bill from a child as he suggestively danced.


I can’t continue to support the Ms. Rachel brand in good conscience, and Accurso’s actions just lead me to believe that her care for children might be genuine, but she’s poisoned by her own politics. Perhaps Accurso will never bring her politics into her videos, but she clearly was open to letting it happen with a Mulvaney appearance, so it’s only a matter of time. 

While I have no hate for LGBT people as individuals, I do not have any love at all for the activist community which has no love for parental rights, traditional values, and seems to see children as a means to their own ends. 

Ms. Rachel has declared herself in league with these people and as such, she’s been blocked from my home. If you share the same sentiments that the LGBT activist community is a danger to children as I do, then I suggest you do the same. 

If you’re looking for alternatives for children, I’ve already compiled a list of five channels and shows you can take a look at. 

(READ: Top 5 Children’s TV Shows for Discerning Parents)