James Carville Is the Only Democrat Strategist Who Figured Out That Attacking Men and Masculinity Is Bad


Say what you will about James Carville, but the “Ragin’ Cajun” isn’t afraid to be brutally honest when he needs to be, and that doesn’t always please his compatriots on the left. The truth is, on the matter he’s being particularly brutal about right now, the left should probably listen up because he’s highlighting a major weakness in the party… it’s lack of men. 


Carville has been raising the alarm around men, especially young men, abandoning Democrats for months now. Despite this, the left doesn’t seem to be listening and, based on how they talk, absolutely doesn’t care. However, it’s pretty clear this attitude is costing them an inordinate amount of voters this election season. As such, Carville decided that the best way to get the left’s attention was to use the language of the right on the issue. 

Back in Mach, he told New York Times’ Maureen Dowd that the Democrat Party contains “too many preachy females.” 

“A suspicion of mine is that there are too many preachy females,” Carville said. “‘Don’t drink beer. Don’t watch football. Don’t eat hamburgers. This is not good for you.’ The message is too feminine: ‘Everything you’re doing is destroying the planet. You’ve got to eat your peas.’”

“If you listen to Democratic elites — NPR is my go-to place for that — the whole talk is about how women, and women of color, are going to decide this election,” he continued. “I’m like: ‘Well, 48 percent of the people that vote are males. Do you mind if they have some consideration?’”

Naturally, the corporate media didn’t take kindly to Carville saying “preachy females” and CNN’s Sara Sidner decided to confront him on air. She brought up the fact that “strong” — she refused to use the word “preachy” — women like Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Kamala Harris had spoken, insinuating that he was referring to them as the preachy ones.


They are, but I digress. 

Carville fired back. 

“What I would say to people is my role is, I view my role as somewhat of a provocateur,” said Carville. “And we had a male problem, we had one. And how do I do that? Do I tell Maureen Dowd of The New York Times that a close analysis of the regression group indicates that we have insufficient support among American males? No one is going to remember that. So if I say our culture has too many preachy females, you know what, everybody remembers it. And, forget about me, I don’t care. They can attack me all they want to.”

As I said, Carville has been raising the alarm for some time about this issue. Carville noticed back in April that young black and Latino voters, especially males, were walking away from the Democrat Party and towards Republicans. 

(READ: Surprisingly, Democrat Strategists Don’t Understand Why Young Men Are Walking Away From the Party)

Hilariously, this anti-male problem is now starting to weigh heavy on the Democrat Party. During the DNC, both MSNBC’s Joy Reid and CNN’s Dana Bash felt it necessary to address the bull elephant not in the room. Both women attempted to pass off the lack of masculinity as a good thing, and pushed the idea that the Democrat Party’s version of masculinity is somehow something to strive for. 


But clearly, as Carville’s research shows, no one is buying that. 

(READ: MSNBC’s Joy Reid Was Forced to Defend the Left’s ‘Masculinity’ to Excuse the DNC’s Lack of It)

(READ: LOL! CNN’s Dana Bash Admits That Democrat Men Aren’t Exactly the Manly Type)

As I wrote on Thursday, the left’s consistent rejection and demonization of men and masculinity is costing them a fat chunk of the male voting population, especially among the male youth. Let’s not think for a second the Democrats are going to learn from their folly here. The Democrat Party is so infected with anti-male sentiment that it will take a very long time to get it out… if it even decides to course correct and stop alienating male voters. 

(READ: Masculinity’s Revenge on the Democrat Party Is the Result of Stupid Politics)


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