JD Vance Lights a Match to the Tinder That Is Kamala Harris’ ‘Policies’


GOP Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance’s social media game is always on point. The Kamala Harris-Tim Walz campaign and their other sock puppet accounts constantly put out a raft of lies and misstatements about the Trump-Vance campaign and their policies. Now that the Harris-Walz campaign has finally decided to put policy points on their website, Vance was Johnny-on-the-spot in not only detailing the policies listed but also bringing the receipts, which show how many of their points are not only amorphous but pure gaslighting.


It has been 50 days since Kamala Harris became the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party.  In the dead of night yesterday, she finally released her campaign policy page. Here’s what I think of it 

No kidding. While the Trump-Vance campaign and all their surrogates tirelessly work to lay out policy points at every rally, event, and media appearance, Harris-Walz keeps pumping the vibes, dancing, and jigging, and offering fake accents. What took her so long? 

Vance expounded in a very lengthy X thread. I will not cover all the points the senator from Ohio hit, but I will focus on the ones where Harris is most deceptive and most vulnerable: taxation, business, and the border.

Vance posted:

1) Kamala Harris claims she wants to cut taxes for middle class families, but here’s what’s in her plan: 

IRS Audits for working families: Getting audited is a horrendous experience, even if you’ve done nothing wrong. Harris cast the tie-breaking vote to hire 87,000 IRS agents to audit more people. As recently as last summer, 63% of new audits fell taxpayers earning less than $200,000. 

That’s you and me, folks. Every person and small business that I know who has ever been audited earned under that $200,000 threshold annually. So, expect more of the same with a Harris-Walz administration. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. 

Vance continues,

The IRS, like Kamala Harris, claims that it’s not going to increase audits on people making under $400K, but the Treasury Inspector General stated the agency’s strategic plan, “did not include specifics on how the IRS was going to ensure it met this commitment.” That’s because they have no intention of ensuring they’re not going to audit middle class families—that’s where they’re going to find the money to pay for their massive spending proposals. 

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, under questioning in the House, could not deny that 90 percent of new audits under the IRA would be on households earning less than $400,000. The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office found that the majority of additional taxes the IRS recommended from audits from 2010-2021 came from taxpayers with income less than $200,000. 


Harris could have pointed out ways she plans to mitigate the damage caused by these policies; instead, she simply rehashes what she accomplished as VP Harris with her pen and phone. These efforts at reinvention and presenting old ideas as if they are fresh seem to be a pattern with Harris and her campaign.

It’s even harder to pretend that taxing working men and women isn’t their focus when you think about the reporting requirement Biden-Harris signed into law to require businesses to fill out a 1099K form on transactions over $600 made using third-party payment platforms. The reporting threshold before their bill was $20,000. 

There’s no minimum number of transactions in their bill, so a single transaction over $600 that triggers the reporting requirement creates more paperwork. Even Senate Democrats have backed different bills to blunt the impact of this enormously burdensome mandate. 

The Government Accountability Office found this aspect of the Harris tax record would result in at least 30 million new 1099K forms getting sent out in 2024. The Joint Committee on Taxation found that over 90 percent of the tax burden will fall on middle class families and gig workers. 

I have written extensively on how adversarial this administration is toward freelancers, independent professionals, and entrepreneurs. Gig workers and certain independent professionals are small businesses. As an independent journalist, I am a small business of ONE, so me having to take the time to figure out the changes in draconian tax measures and juggle new paperwork robs me of my ability to pursue opportunities for advancement and income generation, as well as earning the revenue needed to pay these ridiculous taxes. It’s also a killer to innovation and collaboration, but as Vance points out, this is a feature, not a bug.

The Biden-Harris tax plan, as explicitly outlined in their formal budget request to Congress would increase taxes by $5 trillion. That’s going to stack on top of her inflationary climate spending bills and drag the economy down further.  It’s been estimated that “the tax changes in the Biden-Harris budget would reduce long-run GDP by 1.6 percent…wages by 1.1 percent, and employment by about 666,000 full-time equivalent jobs.” 

That’s nearly a million people out of work and lower wages for everyone in order to shift money towards the Harris Green New Deal—as she said to CNN in her first interview after nearly a month as the Democratic nominee, her values haven’t changed on that policy, which she supported enthusiastically when she was in the Senate. 


Maya Angelou accurately said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” On Sunday, VT Sen. Bernie Sanders already said the quiet part out loud: Harris will say whatever she needs to say to get elected. So, why are we still expecting Harris to morph, pivot, or become some fiscal expert when she has never had to build a business, balance a budget, or go through anything that could equate to attaining a profit or suffering a loss? She’s been on the state or federal dole her entire life, it’s all she knows and she assumes it will always be there for her to manipulate. 

All in all, the Biden-Harris record has been a massive wealth transfer from working people to the Green New Deal’s constituencies—the Harris tax plan is going to be more of the same, no matter what kind of claims she makes during the campaign.⁩

Vance further moves into just what a Harris presidency promises (or doesn’t promise) for small business and “growth.”

3) Vice President Harris claims she’ll “take on the everyday obstacles and red tape that can make it harder to grow a small business.” 

However, under her administration, the SEC has promulgated at least 47 rulemakings, the majority of which have not been mandated by Congress, and we’ve seen Treasury enact burdensome compliance regulations, with some even aimed at small businesses, like the Administration’s preferred implementation of the Corporate Transparency Act. 

This doesn’t sound like cutting red tape to me. It sounds like the opposite: enacting overbearing regulations that stifle innovation and kill job creation.

Vance did not mention that Harris plans to sign into law The PRO Act, which is California’s AB5 on steroids, sneaking in the same ABC Test that destroyed millions of independent contractors and small businesses in California. California has become a national warning on a number of levels, but no more so than the businesses and income generators who have fled the state because of its foolishly instituted and poorly executed anti-business policies. From job creators like Elon Musk to small beans entrepreneurs like Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, we have all said enough to the regulation and destruction of income generators. These are the plans Kamala Harris has in store for the entire nation; don’t be fooled. 


Where Vance perfectly skewers Harris’ lies is in her complete whitewashing of her Border Czar record.

7) Kamala Harris says she wants to secure our borders. Her record tells a different story: Harris touts her record prosecuting international criminals as California’s Attorney General. 

One of the reasons why California has so much migrant crime is because it is a sanctuary state that shields illegal aliens from deportation. Hence foreign criminals feel more protected in California. Another thing Attorney General Harris did as California’s AG was write a 2015 letter to the US Senate defending California’s sanctuary state policies and opposing a bill that would penalize the state’s noncooperation with federal immigration law. It is safe to assume that there would have been a lot fewer migrant criminals to prosecute in California if the state and AG Kamala had allowed ICE agents to do their jobs and deport them.

This is epic, and a foolish move by the Harris campaign to have Harris play as though she was some tough prosecutor when she is complicit in the demise of law and order not just in California, but throughout the nation. I wrote in July about Harris’ deliberate and calculated actions to further the sanctuary state status of California and her advocacy to not only allow illegal aliens to be released into the general populace, but championing their becoming licensed attorneys on the taxpayer dime!

California GOP Congressman Kevin Kiley’s timely contribution to the conversation was unearthing a 2015 letter AG Harris wrote to the Senate in opposition to the bill S. 2146, which sought to defund states (like California) that adopted sanctuary policies. 


But Vance slices and dices Harris over her biggest whopper: her supposed support of the bipartisan border bill that she claims Trump convinced Republicans not to back. Vance outlines why the bill was DOA and why she is lying about border crossings being at a four-year low after leaving the barn door open during the past three and a half of those four years to allow criminal illegals and terrorists to disappear into the country. 

Kamala Harris then claims to have supported a bipartisan border security bill that would have deployed more agents and drug scanners. I believe she is referring to Sen. Chris Murphy’s Border Act of 2024 (S.4361). What she won’t tell you is that the bill also codifies catch-and-release, allows up to 1.8 million illegals to enter before the border could be closed, gives billions of taxpayer dollars to the same NGOs that are driving the invasion and expands the executive parole powers used by Biden instead of limiting them. The bill’s author Sen. Murphy put it best when he admitted that, under his bill, “the border never closes.” I think all of that is totally unacceptable when our nation is facing a historic border crisis, which is why I and my Republican colleagues opposed it. Kamala Harris should have instead pushed for a standalone vote on new border agents and scanners. 

Kamala Harris also brags that, thanks to her efforts, border crossings are currently at 4-year lows. It is worth remembering that almost four years ago, on their first day in office, Biden and Harris issued executive orders that stopped border wall construction and stopped deportations. They then rescinded Trump’s Remain In Mexico policy, allowing every migrant with a dubious asylum claim to enter America while waiting in an years-long case backlog. As a direct result of these actions, America endured consecutive months record-breaking illegal immigration. Only once their Border Act was rejected, and border security consistently polled as a top concern of voters, did Biden and Harris issue orders that give the appearance that they care about illegal border crossings. She cannot take credit for nominally lower border crossing numbers after she spent almost four years holding the border wide open. 


BOOM. Now Harris wants to convince you that after letting the fox into the henhouse, and letting that same fox kill and eat all the chickens, that this fox now deserves to take up residence in the farmhouse. 

But the most destructive part of the Kamala Harris border plan is where she says that she wants to give her 8.5+ million illegal aliens an “earned pathway to citizenship,” which means rewarding illegal aliens with amnesty and the right to vote in our next election. Promising amnesty and citizenship will create a gigantic magnet for illegal immigration that will entice people around the world to race across our borders. 

We are already seeing the destruction of whole communities in Aurora, CO, Springfield, OH, and now in even smaller towns like Sylacauga, AL, where blanket parole, social security numbers, and in some cases jobs, have been given to Haitian migrants. Now many of them are now jobless, homeless, and stealing livestock and taking over private property. Vance warns to expect more of the same across the nation should Kamala Harris be allowed to become president.

If there’s a takeaway from this section, it’s that Kamala opened our borders to 8.5+ million illegal aliens, lied about it for almost four years, blamed others when she got caught and now wants to reward those illegals with citizenship.⁩

The rest of the post is equally detailed and just as devastating to Harris’ supposed policies. Every voter, no matter what their political leaning, could learn and glean from it.


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