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OMG-LOL, YES! Symone Sanders Tries Shaming Heritage Pres. Kevin Roberts for Saying Illegal…
NEVER Leaving This App! Thread of ‘Always Know Who You’re Talking to X…
Catholics for Choice Claims Abortion Is Never Banned, Shamed, or Discouraged in the…
Queer Creator of ‘Gayest’ Star Wars Series Melts DOWN Over Haters Calling Her…
GURL, BYE! MSNBC Harpy Lectures Trump Judge Aileen Cannon to Stay In Her…
REEEE! Snopes DEBUNKS Biden’s LIE About Trump Calling Neo-Nazis Very Fine People and…
‘Ride or Die, BROTHER’! That Time Rick Wilson Lied Like a MOFO in…
Bloomberg Columnist Was Wrong About Thinking Biden Couldn’t Bring Down Crime Rates
Wholesome Politics? Young Trump Supporter in Tears After Meeting His Idol
Healing the Soul of the Nation: DHS Says Trump Supporters, Military and Religious…
You Don’t Despise the Media Enough: AP LGBTQ+ Librarians Are Under Attack, Just…
Daily Mail Exposes Sag Harbor Cop Who Reminds Wealthy Residents Like Timberlake They’re…
NYT: The War in Gaza Is Dividing the LGBTQ Community
BREAKING: Republican Adam Kinzinger Is Voting for Biden