Kamala Harris’ New Nickname Is So Funny and So Right on Target


Kamala Harris has so many things wrong with her that one could parody with a nickname. 

We’ve seen a variety of monikers floated out there already, including things like Cackling Kamala and Chicken-mala after she started ducking debates. 


But it was actually one of her supporters who managed to lead us to the perfect nickname that truly encapsulates how bad voting for her would be. Victor Shi, a Democratic influencer who is part of the “Youth Team” for Harris and Walz, posted the following. 

Obviously Victor’s Spanish is lacking because he doesn’t see what I saw immediately, and what many others saw as well, as our friends at Twitchy reported. These are the people Democrats are relying on to push their candidates? It says so much about the campaign in general. 

Yikes, it’s a bit like Jill Biden, who spoke about the “bogidas” and the “breakfast tacos.” So clueless. 

READ MORE:  Desperate Jill Biden Panders in Gaffe-Fest at ‘LatinX’ Lunch

Roxanne Hoge, our Bob Hoge’s wife, was one of those who carried it through to its logical conclusion.


“Que Mala!” means “How Bad!” 

Then they tried to translate the MALA to “Make America Love Again,” which is basically trying to rip off former President Donald Trump’s MAGA structure. Harris herself has already tried to rip off his policy positions such as calling for “no tax on tips.” Trump is literally living rent-free in her head as her team seems to be looking for him for things like this. She doesn’t seem to want to put out there her own positions in clear fashion, and she still has no policy positions on her website. She’s trying to get into office without being concise on any of those thoughts, likely because if she put out her real positions, Americans would know “how bad” they truly were. 

Plus, if you break it as Victor is doing: Ka-mala, that’s improperly pronouncing her name and we’ve all been told that’s racist, so that’s bad, Victor, so bad. It’s supposed to be pronounced Kama-la. 

But all they have is empty slogans. All they can try to do is sell some kind of empty “joy” because they don’t have anything else to offer the American people, at least not anything that would be good for the country. If they have to rely on their record, Kamala is up a creek without a paddle because they’ve failed on so many things, including the border and the economy, two issues that are paramount to voters. She’s hoping to slip into office on “vibes” alone. 


People had some fun with Victor on X. 


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