Kamala Harris Visits FEMA HQ and What Happened Next Was an Insult to Our Intelligence


The Biden-Harris administration has taken a considerable amount of heat from critics and even some in the media related to how they responded during and in the immediate aftermath of the Hurricane Helene devastation.


As RedState has reported, Joe Biden was on (yet another) vacation at Rehoboth Beach as the storm was battering southeastern states and leaving mass destruction in its wake. Kamala Harris, meanwhile, was on the left coast attending swanky, star-studded megadonor campaign fundraisers as people’s homes, communities, and, in the especially tragic cases, lives were washed away by the flooding and downed trees and power lines.

Incredibly, when Biden was asked Sunday whether those in the impacted areas like in hard-hit western North Carolina would be able to expect “any more resources [from] the federal government” beyond what they were already allegedly getting, he coldly responded “No.” Even worse, when asked Monday why he and Harris had not been “here in Washington commanding this this weekend,” a snide Biden snapped by saying he had his phone with him and had made some calls.

READ MORE–>>WATCH: A Disaster of Another Kind Strikes When Biden Is Asked Why He Was at the Beach in Midst of Helene

Fresh off of her trip to sunny California, Harris proceeded to visit FEMA HQ Monday, where she delivered a short, scripted statement declaring the administration would be there to assist states in need for as long as it took.

Incredibly, she talked about how this was a time when people were “rising to the moment,” an interesting choice of words considering that when Biden and Harris had the opportunity to rise to the moment they chose to abandon the ship for greener pastures:


Not surprisingly, no questions were allowed:

This is of course an insult to our intelligence, especially the part where she suggested she had been getting regular briefings on the dire situation in states like Florida, Georgia, and NC. When was she getting them, in between clinking glasses at the fundraisers?

The first inkling we had that she had purportedly been briefed about what was going on during her excursion out west was Sunday night, two full days after parts of western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee had experienced catastrophic, Katrina-like damage. 

As we reported, it came in the form of a photo tweeted out which showed her looking like she was in the midst of receiving information and taking notes.

Except the headset she was wearing did not appear to be plugged into the phone she was supposedly using. And the paper she was “writing” on looked blank:


It was staged in every sense of the word, right down to the convenient covering of the “vice” part of the vice presidential seal behind her.

As I wrote at the time, it was just more fakery on top of fakery from a candidate and team who try reinventing her as a “great leader” just about every single day. Her brief remarks at FEMA earlier were just more of the same, designed to do what she also hoped in vain that her trip to the border would do: make her look like she’s ready to lead.

It didn’t and she doesn’t, and the more she appears in front of the cameras, the more obvious that becomes.

RELATED:The One Video People Need to See About What Is and Is Not Going on in Western NC Post-Helene