‘Kangaroo Circus’: Ted Cruz Lights Into Senate Dems, Upends Their Arguments During SCOTUS Ethics Hearing

There’s no question at this point that Congressional Democrats, the Biden White House, and their willing accomplices in the mainstream media are deliberately trying to delegitimize the Supreme Court by way of launching disingenuous attacks against the court’s conservative members, including Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch.

They’ve even gone after Chief Justice John Roberts as well, although to describe him as a “conservative” one would have to be willing to suspend all disbelief.

Getting in the way of all the various far-left attempts at doing something we were once reliably told was an “affront to democracy” or something have been Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee like John Kennedy (R-La.), who brought the fire in his opening remarks during the Tuesday hearing on “Supreme Court Ethics Reform.”

Another has been Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who as we previously reported has been keeping the spotlight on the real reasons why Democrats are so hell-bent on smearing the conservative justices – because they don’t like the decisions they’ve handed down and, in Thomas’ case, can’t stand the fact that a black man chose to be a conservative.

During the Tuesday hearing, Cruz was questioning Kedric Payne, who is the VP, General Counsel, and Senior Director of Ethics for D.C.’s Campaign Legal Center. Payne has been a leading advocate for Supreme Court “ethics re form” – particularly as it applies to the conservative justices, of course.

Payne also frequently retweets the “arguments” made by serial hypocritical Judiciary Committee Democrats like Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), including one from mid-April where Whitehouse noted he along with Rep. Hank “Guam may tip over and capsize” Johnson (D-Ga.) had sent a letter demanding the Judicial Conference refer Thomas to the Biden DOJ for investigation.

So with that in mind, it should be no surprise to anyone that Cruz came loaded for bear, and indeed unloaded on Payne during the hearing, pointing to numerous left-wing SCOTUS justices including the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg and retired former SCOTUS Justice Stephen Breyer and all the reported trips and potential conflicts of interests they potentially had based on the new Democrat “standard” for what constitutes “unethical behavior” by a member of the court. He then asked Payne if he thought such trips made Ginsberg and Breyer “corrupt.” A seemingly surprised Payne responded “no” both times.

Cruz also went into the history of Breyer’s association with and traveling for years “on the penny of a prominent Democratic billionaire – the Pritzker family.” He pointed out that the Committee’s Democratic Chairman, Dick Durbin, no doubt has had many a meal with the prominent Illinois family, which includes the current Democrat governor of the state, J. B. Pritzker.

“Let me be clear,” Cruz went on to say. “I’m not suggesting Justice Breyer is corrupt. What I’m suggesting is this committee is corrupt because this is a Kangaroo Circus. And I will note, we had 15 Senate Democrats including six members of this committee send a letter to the Appropriations Committee threatening to cut off the funding for security of the Supreme Court. The left is willing to threaten the lives of the Justices.”


As usual, Cruz was right on the money here.

For years we’ve heard from the left about how such attacks on our “sacred institutions” were undemocratic and should be unequivocally condemned, and how such institutions were sacrosanct and should be respected and protected at all costs.

And yet when they found out ahead of time that the Supreme Court was likely to overturn Roe v. Wade, their tunes changed. All of a sudden it was okay to harass and intimidate the Justices at their homes, even though it’s actually against the law to do so. In fact, Joe Biden’s Justice Dept. looked the other way when the courts’ conservative members were under threat last summer.

Further, as time has gone on more spurious attacks – no doubt sparked by those who stand in solidarity with the infamous SCOTUS leaker – have come to light, including the ones mentioned earlier on Gorsuch, Thomas, and Roberts. Calls to “pack the courts,” “expand the courts,” and/or “impeach‘ the Justices have rang out from the likes of Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, AOC, and other Democrat radicals in the House and Senate, all because they no longer hold the majority on the SCOTUS that they once did.

As usual, when Democrats can’t win in the arena of ideas, their solution is to destroy the institutions they tell us we must respect in order to “save” them. This is the biggest reason why it’s of paramount importance that Republicans pick a presidential nominee that they know will unapologetically work to shut these movements down before they can gain any more traction.

At the risk of sounding clich?, the future of this country depends on it. Literally.

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