Keller ISD approves more changes to school policy, ACLU issues letter of concern


The Keller ISD school board of trustees unanimously approved 13 school policy changes Thursday, opponents say the changes will harm LGBTQIA+ students.

KELLER, Texas — The Keller ISD school board of trustees unanimously approved 13 school policy changes during a meeting Thursday evening.

Among the policy changes is a revision that would require teachers to use pronouns consistent with the biological sex listed on a student’s birth certificate. 

In another change, students must receive parental permission to participate in gender-specific activities. The board also approved a change for overnight school trips, students can only room with other students who have the same biological sex. The board also revised the complaint process for parents to review what is taught in classes.

Around 10 students and parents spoke out against these new policies during Thursday’s meeting, saying the changes could be harmful to LGBTQ+ students.

“You’ve created an environment where fear and isolation may just become the norm for some of our most vulnerable students,” said Madison Hickman, a senior at Keller Collegiate Academy. “Hate is not a Keller ISD value.”

Another student, a sophomore at Timber Creek High School, said the policy changes would discourage LGBTQ students from joining clubs, such as Gay-straight alliances.

“I have a friend who is not out yet at home but has pronouns at school,” the student said. “You are keeping kids with hateful parents from joining a safe space that should be their home, but in reality, it sadly isn’t.”

The board moved to approve the changes without public discussion on Thursday. 

“What these measures will not do is eliminate queer kids in our schools. It will make them closeted, and make them feel othered and alone. It will not change who they are,” one speaker said. “There are many allies in this district, and we are not going anywhere.”

The ACLU of Texas sent a legal letter of concern to Keller ISD, warning the district not to pass the policies that would “harm LGBTQIA+ students. 

“These unlawful and discriminatory policies would invade students’ privacy and create a hostile learning environment,” a spokesperson for the ACLU of Texas said. 

Ash Hall, Policy and Advocacy Strategist on LGBTQIA+ Rights at the ACLU of Texas said the district’s new policy revisions likely violate aspects of Title Nine.

“There’s a lot happening here. It’s a continued pattern that we’ve seen from Keller ISD, where they just seem really dead-set on making it difficult to be an LGBTQAI student and especially a transgender student in this district,” Hall said.  

A spokesperson for the district issued a statement in response to the ACLU’s letter of complaint.

“We have received that letter from the ACLU. As for the policy revisions on this evening’s agenda, those are focused on the fundamental rights of parents to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of their children,” Keller ISD said in a statement.


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