KSAT to host back-to-school town hall focused on mental health

SAN ANTONIO – The 2023-2024 school year is here and KSAT is helping students prepare to return to the classroom by hosting a town hall event.

“Nurturing Minds As We Go Back To School” is dedicated to addressing mental health concerns students, parents, teachers and school faculty may face as the school year begins.

Join KSAT 12 News Anchor Myra Arthur and a panel of experts beginning at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 10.

You can watch a livestream of the town hall in the video player above, on KSAT Plus and on KSAT’s YouTube Channel. It will also be available on-demand on these platforms.


“Empowering Young Minds,” will focus on the mental well-being of students as they return to school. Discussions will focus on coping strategies and stress management.


“Strengthening the Parent-Child Connection,” will focus on mental health concerns of parents as they guide their child through their education journey. Experts will talk about having a nurturing environment at home, recognizing the signs of distress and seeking professional help when needed.

Teachers and faculty

“Supporting Educators, Nurturing Minds,” will shine a light on the mental health challenges teachers and staff face during the back-to-school transition. We will talk about the stressors, emotional strain and burnout risks that adults in the school may encounter.

The following panelists will participate in the town hall:

Dr. Abigail Talley, UT Health Psychiatry
Dr. Melanie Morgan, Counselor at Southside ISD Menchaca Early Childhood Center
Elena Zavala, 6th grade teacher at Jones Middle School
Robin Voight, teacher with NEISD
Victor Hernandez, student at CAST STEM High School in Southwest ISD

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