Let’s Laugh at the Latest ‘Stunning and Brave’ Take by Robert De Niro About Trump


It’s not a secret that actor Robert De Niro is no fan of former President Donald Trump. 

He’s expressed it on more than one occasion, even previously saying he’d like to “punch him in the face.”


But in a new clip with Stephanie Ruhle you can see both of them descend into some delusion about how stunning and brave he is to criticize Trump. It’s unintentionally funny.

“You have no upside in having this conversation, in speaking out against Donald Trump. You are making yourself a target. The interview will air and he will immediately find a reason to talk bad about you in public,” Ruhle said. 

“No upside?” As though De Niro had anything at all to lose for criticizing Trump. Indeed, it only would make him more popular with Trump-hating Hollywood and the liberal media. Indeed, it’s part of the reason she’s interviewing him, so he’s getting more of a platform for his views. These folks live in a fantasyland. 

“But you are choosing to use your platform to do so. What do you say to other celebrities who don’t want to alienate part of their fan base, don’t want to step in harm’s way, but they have similar megaphones that you do?” she asked. 

De Niro responded, suggesting Trump would somehow attempt to bully him. I don’t think Trump gives a darn about Robert De Niro. But it sure sounds like De Niro is the one who has the problem here. Does he dream about the big bad Orange man at night? Because it sure sounds like it with what he said next. 


De Niro spoke about the threat of the Nazis and what the people of Europe went through, comparing Trump to that situation. 

That is nonsensical. It’s not only inaccurate but it minimizes what those people went through to make such a comparison. 

While he’s imagining fascism in the room with him, he disregards the the real dangers from the left with the authoritarian rule of Biden, who brags about blowing off the Supreme Court and fails to properly defend the U.S. You have Democrats going after Trump with lawfare and who tried to kick him off the ballot. Who is the real “threat to democracy” here? Hint: It isn’t Trump. De Niro also doesn’t seem to understand or care about the real threat unfolding before us from the radical left, as we’re gearing up for another summer of violence in the run-up to the election. 

De Niro continued on in cluelessness, encouraging people to vote for Biden.  

“We don’t have a choice,” replied De Niro. “He’s a good guy. He’s trying to do the right thing.” 


Prove it. You couldn’t tell it by his record since virtually everything he’s done has been harmful to the American people. And no, Biden is not a good guy; he’s an incoherent fabulist who is being used by the left to seize control. 

But then, after claiming Trump was a bully, De Niro said Biden should “Go at him [Trump]. People take notice when you do that.” De Niro said Biden should “figuratively punch him in the face.” “A bully you punch in the face. Trouble with Trump is he’s not just a bully; he’s a stupid bully.” This time he added “figuratively.” Last time he said he wanted to punch him in the face, he didn’t say that. 

No, comparing Trump to Hitler is “stupid” and hyperbolic, and no one believes you, Bob, because it isn’t even close to reality. It’s leftists all over campuses with the antisemitism, and you’re talking about Trump, who has done so much for peace in the region while Biden has coddled our enemy, Iran. And when De Niro says things like that, he reveals himself to be not very bright and/or not giving a darn about facts. It’s also a sign of how much someone will fall for the cult talking points of the Democratic Party. Every Republican is “Hitler” to them; it gets old, and Americans don’t believe the rhetoric anymore. That’s one of the reasons Trump is crushing Biden in the polls because they see the sharp contrast and they prefer Trump. 


But this also says something about the sad state of the media. If Ruhle were an objective journalist, she should be questioning this nonsense. But instead, she’s feeding it. 


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