Man shoots at peeping Tom who was watching teen relative from patio of Northwest Side apartment

SAN ANTONIO – A man chased down and fired shots at a peeping Tom who was watching a 17-year-old girl through a patio window of their apartment.

It happened at about 10:30 p.m. on Wednesday in the 6800 block of Seco Creek, just outside Loop 1604 near Interstate 10 on the city’s Northwest Side.

According to police, a teen told her adult relative that there was a man outside their patio watching her.

The relative went outside and found the suspect outside. He chased the man toward the parking lot but as he was catching up to him, the man turned around with a knife in his hand and lunged at him.

The girl’s relative pulled out his handgun from a holster and fired a round at the man but doesn’t believe he hit him. The man got away and police didn’t find any blood in the vicinity.


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