Mark Cuban Pretending He Understands ‘Bipartisan’ Border Bill to Support Kamala Goes SPECTACULARLY Wrong


Mark Cuban really should just stick with … what was he good at again? Internet radio? Hrm.

Well, maybe it would be better to say Mark Cuban should avoid politics and especially policy because well, he just doesn’t seem to get it. Although it’s cute how he’s pretending one Republican on the failed border bill makes it ‘bi-partisan’. And of course, he did it all to defend Kamala Harris.


We get it, Democrats could have selected one of the Biden’s dogs to replace the old timer and Mark would fall in line to support and vote for the pup but still.

C’mon man.

His post continues:

If the Republican candidate has detailed a plan, and I have missed it. Please post it below.  

And for those who think it is inconceivable she would be tough on the border. Here are  some stats comparing the previous administration to the Obama administration, as reference.

Ugh, he was quote-tweeting Seth Abramson.


Of course she’ll sign it, her party came up with it. Dolt.



This this this.

No way he’d be honest about what a liar Kamala is.


It was good of them to include a picture …

Desperation for relevance? Masochism? We’re not entirely sure.

Can he though?




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