Matt Walsh’s ‘Am I Racist’ Uses Major DEI Figures to Expose and Lampoon It As the Racist Grift It Is


One of the advantages of retirement is that I get to do whatever my wife wants whenever she wants to do it. So Friday, we decided to catch the cheap afternoon showing of Matt Walsh’s “Am I Racist” movie in Winchester, VA. The extra drive through rural Virginia saved us half the price of watching the movie in Maryland. That is important to my wife as a matter of principle.


I’m not a huge Daily Wire or Matt Walsh fan, so I wasn’t all that fired up to see the movie. Unlike “What Is a Woman,” which demonstrated the moronic nature of the whole trans movement but which will eventually collapse under the weight of its own stupidity and cruelty, I see this DEI claptrap as an existential threat to America and what it stands for. It exists to set groups against each other with legally preordained winners and losers established by a Marxist paradigm. Because I write more about DEI bullsh** than about transgenderism, the trailer intrigued me.

Without giving too much away, the movie has three major plot lines. Matt Walsh, who hilariously deadpans his way through the movie, assumes an undercover persona as an “anti-racist ally.” 

He interviews or participates in seminars or interviews with several big-name “anti-racist” personalities, including Robin DiAngelo, the author of “White Fragility,” arguably the most important book written on anti-racism by anyone not name Ibram X. Kendi, who was sadly not in the movie. Matt, the Anti-Racist Ally, then gets a literal online certificate as a DEI trainer and goes out into the real world. He interviews denizens of a biker bar and some Black business establishments to get a man-in-the-street view of how real people view racism. At the bar, he encounters someone he thinks is wearing a Vegetarian t-shirt; it isn’t. He also reenacts the Jussie Smollett “this is MAGA country” assault. Finally, he conducts his own workshop featuring his racist “Uncle Charlie.”


Think of it as “Borat Explores the DEI Industry.”

Along the way, he interviews some of the heavy hitters in the race-grifting industry. His Black producer, Benyam Capel, plays Robin DiAngelo to create one of the most cringe-worthy moments in the history of cinema. 

Diangelo is very, very unhappy and thinks it’s unfair that Walsh upset her grift. If DiAngelo is able to work again after this, it will be a testament to just how stupid the people who sign up for this idiocy are. The Daily Wire paid the DEI grifters their market rate for participating, and as a public service, the film reveals the cost. DiAngelo was paid $15,000.

Some of the results have been instant.

The movie is turning out not to be just another niche conservative documentary. During its opening week, it was fourth in the total box office, beating out many highly promoted studio films. It is already the top-grossing documentary of 2024. Surprisingly, it received good reviews by some not-very-conservative outlets, like Variety.


You owe it to yourself to take the time to do so. If I can do it on my busy schedule, I’m sure you can, too.


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