Meanwhile, Man Wins North Carolina Cycling Tour in Women’s Category as ‘Trans’ Sports Injustice Continues

In this episode of Different Sport, Same Results…

In an all-too-familiar story in today’s world of sports, a man who claims to be a (“trans”) woman won first place in the women’s category in a popular cycling tour on Saturday, making a mockery of a contest in which yet another win was taken away from every otherwise competitive woman in the event.

Killips won the “Belgian Waffle Ride North Carolina,” which took place in and around Hendersonville.

As reported by Reduxx, 27-year-old Austin Killips, who “identifies” as a woman, led the tour from the outset, without an actual woman coming even close to taking the lead, except for a brief moment when he was passed at the tour’s midpoint. But sure enough, Killups ultimately blew past the female rider, never looked back, and the outcome was never in doubt.

This was not Killips’s first rodeo in which he pretended to be a woman participating in a women’s cycling event; he’s been kicking butt in women’s races since 2019 when he first “decided” he was a woman.

As in other travesties of justice ag ainst female athletes (swimmer Lia Thomas being a perfect example), the root fault lies with sanctioning bodies that approve, if not encourage, male athlete participation in female sporting events. In May, both USA Cycling and the Union Cycliste Internationale declared that Killips met cycling’s rules for trans athletes, which is a fundamentally ridiculous excuse. Rules for qualifying as a “trans athlete” ignore the reality that competitive males in women’s sports are bigger, stronger, and faster.

As I reported in April, 1976 Olympic gold medal decathlete Bruce Jenner announced in 2015 that “he” was now a “she” and would henceforth be named Caitlyn, leaving millions of Americans aghast. Now, just eight years later, Jenner has become the voice of reason in the otherwise radical transgender movement, including staunch opposition to males competing in women’s sports. Here’s an awesome example:

Jenner drops mic, walks off stage.

Following Killips’s win in the 2023 Tour of the Gila, former Olympic cyclist Inga Thompson tweeted that the inclusion of trans “women” is “effectively killing off women’s cycling.”

It is time for Women Cyclist to start protesting @UCI_cycling Policy. Start taking a knee at the starting lines. Team managers need to speak up and protect their riders. Hold signs at every race “Save Women’s Sports.”

Thompson said UCI’s rules have been locking women out of titles nationwide.

Here’s more, via Reduxx:

Disturbingly, Killips had previously been accused of attempting to push female cyclist Hannah Arensman off the racing course at the UCI Cyclocross National Championships in December of 2022.

One Twitter user shared a video of the incident that shows Killips trying to “put Arensman into the tape.”

The user said it was one of at least three such attempts to push her off course, but the only one recorded on video, and had said Killips should have been disqualified for that move alone.

The rule-violating attempt was blatant.

Joe Biden and the Democrat Party were unavailable for comment.

As an avid cyclist for 35 years, this story struck me more profoundly than that of swimming’s Lia Thomas travesty. Given my experience in the sport, it can be dangerous enough when men compete against men, but men competing against women at a high level is not only inexcusable; it is a potential catastrophe in waiting, and it must be stopped.

The Bottom Line

I’ve said it before, and this is a perfect time to say it again: Sooner or later, a woman — or girl — is going to be killed by a larger, stronger male in a sporting event only made possible by sanctioning bodies that are clearly more concerned with DEI (“Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”) than supporting female athletes competing against other female athletes, only — not to mention their health and safety.


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