SAN ANTONIO – Every week, Metro Health inspectors check out dozens of restaurants across San Antonio.
Behind the Kitchen Door is a series where KSAT investigates health inspections of local restaurants.
In honor of National Food Safety Education Month, Metro Health and a local restaurant invited KSAT to follow an inspector during a planned visit at Papouli’s on Huebner Road.
Metro Health Inspector Rose Abacar checked the food, equipment and cleaning supplies at the restaurant.
“This way we are able to get a snapshot of the kitchen,” Abacar said. “Not every kitchen is going to be sparkling clean.”
Papouli’s had relatively minor infractions such as unlabeled cleaning supplies and faulty equipment.
Papouli’s owner Nick Anthony ordered parts to fix the equipment days after the inspection.
While Metro Health gave Papoulis a 91, Anthony said his crew is working to bring the score back up to 100.
“When the health inspector comes in, we follow because we want to learn from them as they go through,” Anthony said. “We’re not perfect. No restaurant is perfect.”
Score Guide
100-90 = A (Very Good to Acceptable)
89-80 = B (Acceptable to Marginal)
79 or lower = C (Marginal to Poor)
You can catch Daniela’s BKD reports Thursdays on the Nightbeat.
Watch other Behind the Kitchen Door stories here