Moore to the Point


I have good news and bad news, America: The good news is that our long national nightmare is over; the three-and-a-half years of Joe Biden’s presidency and the multiple daily stories of his blatant physical and mental deterioration are quickly receding in the rearview mirror. The bad news is that while he’s no longer front-and-center, he’s still — ostensibly — our commander-in-chief. 


Yes, yes, I know: No one observing things recently genuinely believes that Joe’s the captain of his own ship, much less the USS America. But…where exactly has he gone — and who exactly is at the helm? 

Since his shocking-yet-not-shocking July 21 announcement that he wouldn’t seek reelection, we’ve barely seen the dude. Oh, he did pop his head out Thursday to discuss the Russian prisoner swap. But think about how out-of-sight, out-of-mind he’s become in just 10 days. He was already borderline translucent (hastily applied spray tan notwithstanding). Now he’s basically donned an invisibility cloak and we’re all supposed to pretend like Kamala Harris has always been the candidate — and the captain — and we’ve always been at war with Eastasia.

Biden’s Ominous Remarks at Return of Americans Reveal How Completely Gone He Is

Biden Thinks He Delivered Mic Drop Response on Russian Prisoner Deal. Instead, He Trips Over the Facts.


Whether the bait-and-switch was always part of the plan or Joe’s rapid decline forced it, we’re now in Kamalalalaland. Will voters forget the horrendous results of Biden’s presidency as quickly as they seem to be forgetting the man? Because if Kamala is to receive the “credit” for essentially co-captaining this ship, she most certainly deserves the blame for running it aground.  

This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Friday, August 2. Audio included below.


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