Moore to the Point – The Truth Isn’t out There

These days, it seems like we’re being lied to at virtually every turn – by the media, the government, “experts.” It leads to confusion and distrust among the general public — of our institutions and of one another. People no longer sport merely differing viewpoints — often, we’re operating with two wholly different sets of facts. We’re not just debating; we’re speaking a different language even while using the same words.

Right or left, we exist primarily in information silos. We’ve Balkanized and are becoming further dug in with each passing day. I do try to make a point to seek out information and viewpoints from “the other side” (often while squinting, with gritted teeth) and I invite questions and conversation from left-of-center folk regarding my own views, because I don’t think the increasing tribalization leads to anyplace good. But it’s rarely fruitful; rather, it’s frustrating and disheartening.

In the 90s, “The X-Files” brought us the popular tagline: “The truth is out there.” A quarter-century later, our tune has shifted to “The Truth is in here.” It’s “my truth” or “his or her truth” — as if truth were as individualized as a monogram or fingerprint, rather than an external, objective, verifiable fixed point.

But it’s important to remember: There is a fixed point; a cornerstone; a firm foundation on which to stand. Recall who is the way, the truth, and the life — that is where we should anchor.

The truth is the truth.

This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Monday, June 12th. Audio included below.


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