Moore to the Point – There Is a Season

Note: This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Friday, September 9th. Audio included below.

I love summer. Truthfully, I love all the seasons, but I’d be perfectly fine with nine months of summer and one each of the other three. They each have their charm. But for me, summer is where true happiness lives – it’s the sunshine, and even the heat. I’m at my happiest with the sun on my skin and my toes in a pool or on summer nights with fireflies flitting about and cicadas and tree frogs chirping.

So as we roll into September, I always find myself feeling a bit wistful — maybe even a bit melancholy. Not that September doesn’t have its own merits, like the start of football and the promise of playoff baseball as we enter the home stretch of the season.

Speaking of the homestretch, we’re in it for the midterms as well – just two months until Election Day. While some may rightly refer to this as campaign silly season, there’s a certain excitement and buzz to it – particularly for us political junkies. The polls are more meaningful now. And while there’s cause for optimism for Republicans, to mix and mangle metaphors, just as in the sporting realm, we cannot afford to take our eye off the ball. It’s imperative to stay focused, stay on message, and finish strong so that we’re not faced with a losing season and the winter of our discontent.


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