Moore Whining: Lib Filmmaker Shows He Completely Misreads Why Americans Reelected Trump


Boy, Michael Moore is a real piece of… work, isn’t he? So much of the time, if reality was in Miami, Moore would be in Timbuktu. To call him a blind ideologue is to indulge in the grossest of understatements. He has gotten so many things so badly wrong, that it’s rather amazing he has the nerve to show his face in public.


And yet, on Wednesday, he retreated to his own website to post a rant about Donald Trump’s reelection, and how Americans are “not a good people” for reelecting him:

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore broke his silence about the 2024 election on Wednesday, lashing out at Americans as “not a good people” for electing Donald Trump to a second term by a wide margin. 

By contrast, the progressive director and activist offered total confidence before the election, predicting Trump was “toast” against Vice President Kamala Harris.

“If you stop and think about it, we’ve come up with a lot of doozies in our history,” he wrote in a post on “Like the genocide of 20 million Native Americans. Or the enslavement of 12 million kidnapped Africans. Or us invading Vietnam and killing 4 million Asian people for no reason at all. We are not a good people.” 

After saying that America has a “laundry list of evil deeds that led us directly to last week,” he derided fellow citizens for picking “a 34-time convicted felon, a fascist, and a civilly-charged and convicted sexual abuser to be our 47th president of the United States.” 

While my immediate reply to Moore would end with the words “…and the horse you rode in on,” it’s worth noting that Moore, while still butt-hurt over the outcome of the 2024 election, still manages to get most of those so-called “evil deeds” wrong.


First: Trump’s legal woes are some of the most contrived BS to ever see the inside of a courtroom, and sorry, Michael, but I’ll take the word of Alan Dershowitz – one of the nation’s foremost legal thinkers – on this one, and he describes the Trump Manhattan trial as a “stupendous legal catastrophe.” That’s as opposed to Michael Moore, who is a stupendous intellectual catastrophe.

Second: “Fascist,” when coming from someone like Michael Moore, is the equivalent of a five-year-old calling another five-year-old a “big doody-head,” so we can ignore that remark.

Third: President-elect (still not tired of typing that) Trump is not a “convicted sexual abuser.”

Finally, Michael Moore was self-aware enough to realize that Joe Biden’s campaign was collapsing. Even so, he remained convinced, against all trends, against all data, presumably right up to the evening of November 5th, that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz were going to win the election. Amazing.

See Related: When You’ve Lost Michael Moore: The Democrat Defections From Biden Continue

‘It’s Ours to Blow’: Michael Moore’s Worried Warning to Democrats About Losing Election to Trump

Michael Moore Now Thinks Joe Biden Has Super-President Powers. He’s Wrong. Again.

In conclusion, we all owe Michael Moore a debt of gratitude. Not only does he give us a great example of leftism as a mental illness, not only does he give us something more to point and laugh at – especially with his election predictions – but he also serves as a case study in how to take a seminal event like this election, analyze it, and get every single point wrong. Way to go, Michael. You just keep doing you, and Americans everywhere will mostly continue ignoring you.


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