MOTR, Ep. 74: If You Like Ketchup (I Don’t), This Should Be Important to You

I’m kinda tired of dealing with passing politics and invasions and the other detritus of modern life on this planet. Even UFOs can tell this place harbors trouble. That’s why they’re avoiding any contact down here.

So. in this week’s audio commentary, I’m going to settle once and for all one of America’s most enduring controversies. And no, it’s not the one about which way toilet paper should roll — off the top or bottom.

Everyone should know by now it’s off the top. Period. End of story.

If you’ve been doing it incorrectly all these years, don’t worry. We’re not judging. Next time you’re using the bathroom, just turn the roll around. The world will be in better balance. And only you and your dog will know.

Have had a run of well-received posts recently. The most popular was the memory of Edgar, a feral factory cat who adopted my family and gave us a quarter-century of joy, even if he was diffident much of the time.

An excerpt ICYMI:

Edgar often went on expeditions for a few days. But this time he was gone for weeks, many of them.

We feared the worst and talked about it. Then, the day before we were to leave on vacation, there was Edgar at the back door of our rural home, a little scruffy but still, clearly black-and-white nobility.

‘Why can’t he go on vacation when we do?’ Dad said in mock exasperation since the kennel would charge 50 cents a day for him. That’s how long ago this was.

It wasn’t until nearly a year later that we learned where exactly our furry family member had gone. I will never understand how he found it on his own.

The joy for me in that post beyond the memories was all the comments that Edgar’s life story elicited from readers. I suggest you read them too. Quite touching.

My most recent column dealt with the little-known but pervasive collusion between Donald Trump and the mainstream media that loves to hate him and, in so doing, is working diligently to reelect the 45th president as the 47th.

I try to mix up the topics for these weekly audio op-eds. The most recent one looked at Vladimir Putin’s decision to spread the killing from his invasion of Ukraine to disparate countries around where starvation is pervasive. What a guy!

Finally, the public displays of Joe Biden’s mental incoherence and imbalance are mounting day after day, even when his schedule is packed with lengthy vacations. Biden was the guy in 2020 who vowed to return the country to normalcy.

There are many examples of his mental and physical challenges. Here’s one. And another, both on the same day.

Yet everyone in D.C. and his gas-guzzling entourage just go on blithely admiring the naked emperor’s new clothes.

It’s serious stuff and, though creepy, reminds me of the old story:

When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming hysterically like everyone else in his car.

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