MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough Compares DeSantis to Segregationists

I’ve only watched “Morning Joe” in segments because each time I watch I can feel grey matter seeping from my ears. But the segment I watched recently really caused me to feel dumber by the second. I took one for the team, so you better read to the end.

It isn’t just Scarborough with his mouth and eyes that don’t fit his head or the nasally, unhinged rants. It’s also his new wife and partner in stupidity, Mika Brzezinski. In a March 2022 segment, while Scarborough was talking about Kamala Harris’ terrible poll numbers (but still polling better than Ron DeSantis in a head-to-head), Mika was channeling Kamala with a constant nasally giggle. It lasted through most of the segment. It was the type of weird off-putting laugh that, if you were on a date with her – that would be the last date with her.

Scarborough has been a weirdo for decades. When he got to Congress, he was not that impressed with meeting the President. He said he was “unfazed”. But If he got “around a rock star I grew up with,” he would “have trouble completing sentences.”

Maybe his worship of “rock stars” is why he cut a god-awful video called “Stand,” a song that was widely mocked and parodied.

Here is the video. You don’t have to watch the whole thing, a few seconds will suffice.

Here is my mockery:

And this is pure parody:

In any event, Scarborough isn’t known for his music chops or intellect – more for his rants and silly, absurd takes. He called Phi Beta Kappa Stanford and Yale Law School grad, Josh Hawley “the dumbest man in the US Senate.” Yet, he compared Joe Biden to Harry Truman.

Scarborough said that Trump “knew” the J6 rioters were “heavily armed” when the only gun used on J6 was by a Capitol cop.

He labeled people who saw the raid at Mar-A-Lago as an abuse of power by the FBI and DOJ were “fascists.”

So everybody that’s freaking out over fascists being fascists. Well, guess what? That’s what fascists do! That’s why we have law enforcement, to actually bring fascists to justice.

Stupid takes are just what he does – so his take on Saturday comparing DeSantis flying 50 non-American on a luxury private plane to Martha’s Vineyard was some much like KKK segregationists sending black Americans north in 1962.

Scarborough was agreeing with a Politico article that tries to juxtapose southern racist segregationists with Ron DeSantis.

The article details how in 1962, southern racists sent black Americans north in an attempt to shame northern states. Politico recounts that the first black man in the group, David Harris, was greeted by Ted Kennedy who welcomed Harris. Kennedy made a point to publicize it too. Why? Because Kennedy was running for Senate. Harris found work as a cook. Most of the 200 who were eventually given bus tickets north by segregationists did not.

After Kennedy’s greeting, they were not greeted with warm arms, meals, and new clothes like at Martha’s Vineyard.

On Cape Cod in 1962, resentful residents told them there were no jobs. Many northern mayors loudly complained. There’s some rich irony in that. In both cases, some Massachusetts residents put on an initial show but Politico only tells us of one man having found full-time work. In the case of Martha’s Vineyard, residents put on a show but within 44 hours, they had shipped everyone off-island.

Politico also claimed:

The [DeSantis] ploy didn’t work out exactly as planned. Residents of the small island warmly embraced the asylum seekers, much as the citizens of Hyannis welcomed David Harris some 60 years earlier.

Not really. Flying immigrants to an island that openly and loudly told the world it was a sanctuary for immigrants isn’t remotely the same as racists wanting to rid themselves of fellow Americans because they didn’t like the color of their skin.

That Massachusetts, and particularly Boston, was one of the most racist places in America and openly disparaged black Americans and LEGAL immigrants is a pretty rich irony.

The Politico author admits that the 1962 segregationist tactic exposed the “uncomfortable hypocrisy” of northerners. He failed to admit that DeSantis exposed equal hypocrisy when a community that had “We are a sanctuary” signs welcoming illegals, could only manage to give their unwanted “guest” sanctuary for 44 hours – just long enough to take photos, grandstand, and virtue signal.

None of those realities mattered to Scarborough, though. Why would it? He rarely deals in reality. Instead, he postures and rants about “Nazis”, “Fascists” and the “KKK” because that is what he’s paid to do. Hyperbolic nonsense. Mika is apparently paid to simply nasal-giggle in response.


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