MUST WATCH: NC State and Wake Forest Marching Bands Unite in Touching Tribute to Neighbors in Western NC


For those of us watching from afar, there are plenty of reasons to feel frustrated hearing about the hurricane relief efforts in storm-ravaged western North Carolina. There are also many reminders of the inherent goodness of Americans, a united spirit that we really haven’t seen since September 12, 2001. Yes, there are many — the media, Kamala, Biden, and FEMA, for example — who aren’t finding this story to be politically expedient, therefore they are downplaying the death toll and slow rolling assistance.


But, there are so many stories of courage emerging that show the decency of the American people and their willingness to help out their neighbors. It’s that indomitable spirit that defines this country, and it lives on, despite the best efforts of the left to stoke division and turn citizens against each other. When the chips are down, as they most definitely are for the citizens of western North Carolina, we can be relied on to help each other out and cheer each other on. 

In a very touching gesture Saturday, the marching bands of intra-state rivals Wake Forest University and NC State University joined together as one band to play “Amazing Grace ” in honor of their neighbors on the western side of the state.


First of all, what a lovely way to honor those who lost their lives as a result of Hurricane Helene, and those who are still doing battle to salvage what they can of their lives. When it seems they have been forgotten by their government, it’s hopefully a reminder to those suffering that their neighbors do remember and do care. 


Secondly, it’s great to see two institutions of higher education putting aside their rivalry, not to mention their woke ways, to send a message of faith and solidarity out into the world. We certainly don’t see enough of that these days.

Lastly, what a perfect choice it was for the bands to perform “Amazing Grace,” a hymn that focuses on God’s grace and the peace that comes with knowing He is always with us. It’s nice to see there is still some decency and common sense on college campuses.

You wouldn’t know it from corporate media’s coverage of western North Carolina, but there are a lot of good things happening on the ground there. As RedState’s Nick Arama reported, there are many heroes and feel-good stories to emerge from the devastation, from Dolly Parton donating $1 million to relief efforts to Elon Musk delivering Starlink systems, so that communication can be restored to storm-ravaged areas that have been cut off for over a week.

There are countless other examples of everyday citizens renting a truck, loading it with supplies, and traversing the dangerous road conditions to get aid to where it is most needed. Some even walk 30 miles, so they can be there to walk their daughter down the aisle on her big day.


All of this just proves that the saying holds true today: America is great because she is good. There is a lot of good coming out of North Carolina.