Nine of Those ‘Intelligence Experts’ Who Just Endorsed Kamala Signed False Hunter Laptop Disinfo Letter


The second I read the headline about 700 former national security and military officials endorsing Kamala Harris for president, I thought, “Were any of them the same ones who signed the infamous, duplicitous letter in October 2020—right before the election—that claimed Hunter Biden’s lurid laptop was likely Russian disinformation?”


It was a lie, and many if not all of those 51 “experts” knew it. To this day, most make no apology for their attempts to gaslight the public and affect the outcome of a presidential election:

Disinformation: No Shame: Intel Officials Who Signed Hunter Laptop ‘Russian Disinformation’ Letter Call It ‘Patriotic’

Response From Intel Letter Signers Tells You Everything You Need to Know

Not surprisingly, the answer to my question above is “yes.” Nine of those miscreants signed on to the Kamala Harris endorsement. Not surprisingly, one of the most dishonest men in public life is one of the them—none other than former CIA Director John Brennan. He’s joined by his equally ethically challenged cohorts, former CIA Director Leon Panetta and former DNI James Clapper. Here are all nine:

  • former Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper
  • former CIA Director Michael V. Hayden
  • former CIA Director Leon E. Panetta
  • former CIA Director John Brennan
  • former Acting CIA Director John E. McLaughlin 
  • former CIA chief of staff Laurence M. Pfeiffer
  • former Department of Defense chief of staff Jeremy Bash
  • CIA chief of station John Sipher
  • former National Intelligence Council Chair Gregory Frye Treverton. 


A regular rogue’s gallery. Note how many of them are CIA, by the way. This and the endorsement by the IRS union really show you the type of people who want Kamala to be president. 

As my colleague Ward Clark wrote in his story about the Harris endorsement, titled appropriately enough, “Clueless or Deluded? 700 ‘National Security Officials’ Release Letter Endorsing Kamala Harris”:

Bureaucrats, it should be noted, always favor more and bigger government, and honestly, that’s all Kamala Harris has to offer these people. And that is, for a bureaucrat, enough; and the fact that none of the people involved in the drafting of this letter a) think Kamala Harris is “serious and capable” when she is so sadly and obviously neither, and b) they don’t understand that the United States is not a democracy – well, that tells us all we need to know about these people. 

He’s right. People often talk about the deep state or the administrative state, and I admit that when I first heard those terms, they sounded a little conspiratorial. Since the arrival of Trump, however, we have seen over and over that it is indeed a thing, and it is dangerous. For instance, we don’t even know who’s in charge of the country right now—we know it’s not Joe Biden, who can’t even remember who he’s standing next to. It’s not Kamala Harris because she couldn’t run a lemonade stand.  


People like Brennan, Clapper, and Panetta have shown repeatedly that they’re shameless hacks willing to say anything to accomplish their goals, regardless of whether there’s any truth to their statements or not. Of course they endorse Harris—they know she’ll never hold them accountable for anything. The other guy in the race, however, would be decidedly less friendly toward their antics were he to get back in office.


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