NYC Mayor Adams: ‘We Have to Bring Down This Rhetoric’


Liberal Democrat New York Mayor Eric Adams has been, and liberal Democrat he will always be, but since the recent election in which Donald Trump and JD Vance walked away with almost all the marbles, he seems to have received a big bottle of Reason pills and been told “Take two morning and evening,” because he’s starting to make some sense. In the latest admonishment to his fellow Democrats, he’s defending President-elect Trump’s right to choose his Cabinet and his advisors — and telling other Dems to back off on the rhetoric.


To put it mildly, “The View” was not happy.

The full post reads:

JUST IN: NYC Mayor Eric Adams reacts to Trump selecting RFK Jr. for HHS Secretary… wow, listen to what he says – The View must be PISSED! He sounds like a Trump supporter.

“Executives will nominate and bring in those who they believe will move their vision forward.”

“Let’s be clear: we have a real problem with our food in our country. We need to watch what we feed our children […] Too much hormones.”

Then the hosts start telling him HHS staff will resign en masse if RFK gets in.

“If we love our country, then no one individual should take us away from our vision […] Let’s love the country, let’s love our cities, let’s get away from the rhetoric.”

“The experts are gonna look at his proposals, do a real analysis, and make these decisions. It happens every day.”

Mayor Adams then went on to denounce the constant calling of Trump “Hitler.”

“That was an insult to the millions of Jews and others who died! We know what Hitler did!”

“We have to bring down this rhetoric. We have to start engaging in conversation.”


It’s hard to find anything to disagree with there, which, at least from my point of view, is rather astounding.

See Related: At Least One Democrat, Big-City Mayor Is ‘Optimistic’ About Trump’s Border Policies

Changes Happening Fast: NYC Mayor Adams Makes Big Immigration Move After Phone Call With Trump

But his key point has to be the one that upset the screechers at “The View” the most: that Democrats, in general, need to back off on the — forgive me — hate speech. Because, in this case, there’s really no other term that fits; so many on the left hate Donald Trump with a white-hot, seething rage, and the members of “The View” are no exceptions. And while Hizzoner’s right that this constant refrain of “OMG ORANGE MAN HITLER” is insulting and hateful to the Jews (and Gypsies, and homosexuals, and actors, and the disabled, and political enemies) who Hitler and his minions executed, it’s also staggeringly ignorant. It would be fun to convict the harpies on “The View” under some hate speech statute (talk about being hoist with their own petard) and, as punishment, force them to read William L. Shirer’s “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich,” and maybe Otto Skorzney’s “My Commando Operations: The Memoirs of Hitler’s Most Daring Commando” for a real, living, nasty look on what Nazi Germany was really like. I’ve read both books, and yeah, they kind of stick with you as they describe horrors beyond belief.


It’s a gross act of disrespect for the victims of Hitler and the Nazis to compare any American politician to the madmen who ran Germany in those years.

I’m never one to offer advice to Democrats; I’m a firm believer in the idiom that when one’s enemy is making a mistake, you let him. But I also believe in giving credit where credit is due. Mayor Adams is talking some sense right here and right now. Democrats should listen to him.


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