Oblivious: Journalist ‘Proves’ Trump Listens to Orders From Moscow – by Listening to Russian Propaganda


Donald Trump has been president-elect for only a week, and already we are seeing the expected hits and slams against him from the unbiased news outlets. In one of the more remarkable examples, we are told that it has been proven he is beholden to Russian President Vladimir Putin as a result of this win. The best part is where this latest hysteria is sourced from in order to trot out the zombie horse no one wants to mount. Yes, some are still trying to sell that long-debunked Russian fever dream, and it is a shining example of the news industry being completely unmoored from reality.


As the fallout of the November 5th election results continues, the press has become not only exposed but thrown into a state of desperate confusion. There is a reckoning needed in our national media complex, and yet while facing the very stark evidence of their diminishing import journalists and news outlets are refusing to indulge in needed introspection.

They recognize there is a problem, but in looking for blame, the very last place they are willing to look is in the mirror.

One of the many examples was seen from Eddie Glaude during a panel on MSNBC. While many in the press want to blame Kamala’s loss on groups (whites, men, the uneducated, and others have been tabbed as responsible), what they are revealing about themselves is that they are saying Kamala was supposed to win. The “unbiased” press was promoting her and are now dismayed the public did not listen. Glaude typifies this in a recent rant.

He was on with Stephanie Ruhle and as she looked at how the voters showed concern over issues like the economy, Eddie was not having it. There was only one explanation that could exist, and that explanation was clutched tightly by the man – it was all because of racism . Glaude needs to ignore the harsh reality that Trump earned record amounts of black and Latino voters. The Washington Post reported on a study conducted immediately after the election that showed the areas where Donald Trump made the biggest gains were with large Asian and Hispanic concentrations and other minority blocks of voters.


Two days after the election, OpenLabs, a Democratic data firm, produced a “first look” analysis of the results, obtained by The Washington Post. They found the biggest swings away from Harris were in areas with larger populations of Asian American and Hispanic voters. They also found that counties with bigger shares of Muslim and Jewish voters also swung toward Trump. Two Trump advisers said they could not believe that they were able, for example, to beat Harris in Dearborn, Michigan.

But the likes of Glaude, and Joy Reid, need to see racism in the results, otherwise their entire careers have been exposed as being hollow. And in these desperate times, we have another neutered attempt, this one from The Daily Beast.

Reporter Julia Davis – the outlet’s Russian media correspondent – comes out with the claim that our next president will be acting on the will of Moscow. Davis makes the announcement that due to Trump’s election victory he has become indebted to Putin. 


So yes, we are going to return to the narratives of Trump and the Russians being tied together. Note we heard no such concerns about Biden, as he basically sat back while Putin invaded Ukraine and reopened the oil pipeline to Europe for Putin. That pipeline was shut down by Trump, by the way, when he was supposedly in Putin’s back pocket.

The sheer hilarity of this Russian redux is that we are to believe that Trump is going to take orders from the vile liars in Moscow – and the “proof” comes from those same vile liars. Why would anyone take it at face value when one of Putin’s right-hand agents is quoted in the Russian propaganda media?! It is wrong that Trump listens to Moscow, says Davis, listening to what TASS is claiming. It is equal parts pathetic and humorous. 

The press is currently in overdrive claiming how irresponsible Trump is as a leader, but they take it at face value when one of Putin’s stooges says Trump will heed their requests out of his being responsible. It is the same mental activity we have heard as they tell us Trump is a consummate liar and you cannot believe a word he says, but he will be a dictator — just listen to his words!

This is all a result of the members of the media trying to reconcile how a landslide victory occurred despite their concerted efforts to steer people to Kamala Harris. They cannot face the truth that the American public is walking away from the news outlets, so some other excuse must be concocted. Now the Russians got him elected. Again.


This MUST be the explanation, because how else did he manage to win?? They cannot be honest with themselves, so how can anyone expect them to be honest with us?


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