Old Commie Bernie Laments on MSNBC That Billionaires Donating to Trump Signals ‘Greed Over Democracy’


Bernie Sanders almost won the 2016 Democrat nomination against Hillary Clinton. We might have dodged a bullet. Literally. In any event, the guy who honeymooned in the Soviet Union, is an avowed socialist (aka commie), and isn’t a “Democrat” appeared on the “Chris Hayes Show” to lament that “democracy will end” if Trump is elected.  


I truly loath Chris Hayes. His cadence is grating like fingers across a chalkboard, and he physically leans into guests (who always agree with him) like a swooning schoolgirl with a crush. I also find him contemptable.  

When speaking of Memorial Day once, Hayes said he was “uncomfortable” with labeling those who gave their lives in war “heroes” saying, in explanation, that by doing so, was “rhetorically proximate” to justifying war.  

During the six-minute interview with the Vermont commie, Hayes and Sanders agreed on everything save for one point. They both lamented that Trump has promised to “deregulate” the oil industry, and that doing so would ensure the planet’s destruction. Sanders said that Trump was the worst example of “selling out for money,” missing the irony of the fact that by running twice for president, Trump has taken a massive financial hit – and that Biden’s entire family has gotten wealthy off of Joe’s corruption.  

Sanders reminded the audience that Biden was the only sitting president to walk a picket line during a strike, ignoring how monumentally wrong that is. He discussed the efforts of his appointee to head the FTC, Lina Khan . Khan is a committed leftist and was part of Pierre Omidyar network of economic influencers. Omidyar founded eBay.  


Before the FTC, Kahn was the legal director at the “Open Markets Institute.” The Open Markets Institute is funded by the Omidyar Network. For Sanders, Omidyar is a “good billionaire” 

Hayes and Sanders moved on to Citizen United and how that decision destroyed politics. The man who has never had a private sector job in his life wants campaigns funded by the government.  

The first banner during the interview read: “Trump Let Donors Know That His 2nd Term Is For Sale.” 

The second banner was: “The Corrupt Candidate: Why Billionaires Are Flocking To Donald Trump.” 

Sanders offered up the continuing deceptive language of how the very rich don’t pay “their fair share.” Sanders repeated Biden’s line that billionaires have a “lower tax rate” than a nurse. They already do. The top 1 percent earned 22.2 percent of total AGI and paid 42.3 percent of all federal income taxes. The “rate” is the same for everyone – but because most of the high earners’ income comes from things other than wages, it is taxed differently. The bottom 10 percent pay no income tax. 

 And, Sanders is upset that Jamal Bowman (whom Sanders praised as a committed progressive) seems to be headed for defeat because of outside money. He ignores that the money is Democrat money from Democrat donors.  

Read Related: 

WATCH: AOC Goes Full Psycho at Bronx Rally for Jamaal Bowman, and Things Just Get Crazier From There


Sanders didn’t bring up the fact that Michael Bloomberg has donated about a billion dollars to Democrats. He recently donated 20 million dollars to the Biden reelection campaign. Also, Biden’s Super PAC is raking in gobs of money

Future Forward, which is acting with the blessing of the president’s top aides, has reserved $250 million in television and digital advertising in battleground states between the Democratic Convention in August through Election Day. 

Sanders isn’t upset that Democrat billionaires are influencing elections and donating lots of money to get Biden reelected; he’s just upset that billionaires are finally coming out of the shadows and recognizing that Trump is the better choice for America’s future.  

What didn’t they agree on? Hayes said donating to Trump was “short sighted.” The old commie disagreed. The guy who has never created a single job in his life, and owns three homes, sees those donating to Trump as just greedy.

There is no reasoning with them.


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