OPINION: My Urgent Advice for Ron DeSantis Is, Carpe Diem!

Memo to: Ron DeSantis

From: Manic Contrarian

Re: Carpe Diem

Mr. Governor, with all due respect, you’re losing this race. You must reverse course immediately and rise to meet this moment. You likely will not get another chance.

Along those lines, you should convene the press to Florida ASAP as part of an important campaign statement calling out Joe Biden for his obvious corruption, juxtaposing that with the numerous indictments piling up in the Trump camp, and using both of those truths as a rationale and justification for new, bold, and principled leadership in the United States.

You need to have a sense of urgency. Be sober. Be serious. Be tough. Don’t complain; explain. Talk about the gravity of the moment. Elevate things to the point of declaring a national emergency for the country. Indeed, considering the president is also the leader of the free world, go ahead and declare an emergency for the free world itself.

America needs a strong, capable, energetic, and disciplined president, chief executive, and commander-in-chief who is beyond reproach in matters of morality, ethics, and integrity.

We cannot risk putting in front of the American people in November 2024 a choice between two men whom the opposite party will have likely impeached. Trump twice, and now it appears Biden also faces an impeachment trial. America can and must do better than this.

Governor, you can certainly say, and indeed, you should definitely say, that you’re not the judge and jury, but you’re ready to serve. And you’re prepared to lead and to be president.

Offer your vision for the country, your message for the people, your economic program for the economy, and why you pledge to hit the ground running in January 2025, running fast and running hard, to achieve important victories for the American people.

You can use the press conference as an opportunity to say why you condemn, without reservation, the politics of personal destruction. We’ve had enough of it. Say why you detest criminalizing our political differences. And that we’re in the midst of it. Explain why these never-ending dual scandals are tragic distractions, how they undermine trust, faith, and respect for our important and valued institutions, and why, after the last several years, so much work needs to be done, and important accomplishments banked.

The trajectory of the country is leading us into dark and dangerous waters. We need a new captain at the helm. This is your moment. Rise to it and seize it. If not you, who? If not now, when? God bless you, Mr. Governor; you’re a good man. And good men are what the country needs from time to time and now more than ever. Carpe Diem!


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