Pediatrician shares ways students can stay cool while walking home after school

SAN ANTONIO – Soon the sidewalks and crosswalks will be full of students eager to get home, but those walks home can feel longer in extreme temperatures.

Pediatrician Dr. Mandie Tibball Svatek said when the temperature rises above 98 degrees, it can put children at a higher risk of cramps, heat stroke, and heat exhaustion.

“Especially when they’re out there playing, they’re enjoying what they’re doing. And so they may not be aware that they’ve had an excessive amount of sweating. And so they continue to play as opposed to stopping and taking those breaks,” said Dr.Tibball-Svatek.

The inside of the classroom can be cold, but it’s important for a child to take off their sweater while walking home.

“They can get dehydrated, they can get overheated, and so just reminding them that they can always have that shirt underneath,” said Dr.Tibball-Svatek.

That’s why reminding your child to refill their water and hydrate throughout the day is essential.

It’s especially important to have a full water bottle before walking home.

During that walk, a kid should drink at least a cup of water every 20 minutes.

“Find a nice water bottle that that child likes and is excited about filling up. And then that way, they can have it filled during the day,” said Dr.Tibball-Svatek.

Student-athletes, like band players–need more liquids. At least two cups of water every 20 minutes.

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