Pine-Sol recalled due to exposure of bacteria

SAN ANTONIO – Clorox has recalled around 37 million Pine-Sol products, according to Consumer Product Safety Commission.

The recalled products may contain bacteria, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an environmental organism found widely in soil and water.

CPSC says the recall includes the following products:

Pine-Sol Scented Multi-Surface Cleaners in Lavender Clean, Sparkling Wave, and Lemon Fresh scents;
CloroxPro Pine-Sol All Purpose Cleaners in Lavender Clean, Sparkling Wave, Lemon Fresh, and Orange Energy scents;
Clorox Professional(TM) Pine-Sol Lemon Fresh Cleaners.

Recalled cleaners were sold with date codes beginning with the prefix “A4? and followed by a five-digit number less than 22249. The products are sold in bottles of 28, 48, 60, 100, 144, and 175 fluid ounces.

Officials say customers should immediately stop using the products and can contact Pine-So for a full refund of the purchase price, with receipt, or of the manufacturer’s suggested retail price without a receipt.

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