Portland State U Encampment Is Cleared Out and What the Police Found Was Disgusting


If you wonder what city has the worst leftist activists in the country, I think it’s fair to say there’s no real contest there. As we found out during the BLM riots, it was Portland, hands down. 


When you attack a federal building for more than 100 days in a row, I think you win the “you’re the worst” award. 

The problem is that the government has allowed this to fester and get out of hand for years as the radicals have continued to break the law, often with few consequences. 

Now we come to the present shiny object, with the campus protests at Portland State University supposedly for “Gaza.” The radicals seized the library and occupied it on Monday. Police finally went in on Thursday and what they found was truly disgusting. First they had to watch out because the radicals had spread soap on the floor, apparently with the hope that police who came in might slip and fall. Then they had to break through and take down all the barricades that had been erected by the radicals. 

The damage to the building has to be in the tens of thousands of dollars, if not more. They smashed glass displays, turned over and broke furniture, damaged the fire system, spread paint on the floor, and graffitied everything. The place was trashed. Police said it wasn’t even safe to now occupy because the fire system wouldn’t work. 


The police also found improvised weapons including ball bearings, paint balloons, spray bottles of ink and DIY armor. 

They posted that but it looks like maybe the soap or slippery substance was used. 

Among the graffiti messaging, “We want it all by any means necessary.” 

They also wrote on the wall about how they could continue these operations when classes ended, so they could keep it all going. 

In addition to the damage, there were also reportedly possible theft of rare archival material, including a Dark Horse comic collection that was in the library. It’s not yet clear how much that has cost. 

So what happened when they cleared the police cleared the building? 

While the police were clearing the building, some of the radicals went to the front door and then just ran right out. 


It didn’t appear that there was any attempt made to stop them. Great job there.. So will any of them be held accountable? 

However, 12 people were arrested, of whom 4 were determined to be students. 

The police were attacked by one person with a shield and sprayed by another with a fire extinguisher. The radicals also tried to block a police van and the crowd outside also threw water bottles at the police, which injured one officer. 

Oh, and let’s not forget this happened as police were planning on moving in — 15 police vehicles were torched in a suspected arson. I’m sure that’s a coincidence. 

But that wasn’t quite the end of it. After the police left they came back and tried to set things up again, and the police had to come back and arrest 18 more people, of whom three were students. 


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