President Biden Earns a Ratio With His Independence Day Post Thanking the Troops


There was a bit of a kerfuffle at the CNN presidential debate over which candidate the military supported. Donald Trump said they loved him … President Joe Biden said that was a bunch of malarkey.


Even in his (intern’s) Fourth of July post, Biden once again brings up the frailty of democracy and how every generation must fight to maintain it. Because, as we all know, Trump said he’d be a dictator on Day One and it would likely be the end of the American experiment, the last election we’d ever have.

As Obama Bro Tommy Vietor would say, “Dude, this was like two years ago.”



Not the transgender ones. Although the thousands who got kicked out for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine probably aren’t big fans.


Right here:

This is pretty brash for someone who just claimed that not one single service member died under his watch.
