It’s been nearly a year since the horrific attack on Israel by Hamas terrorists. In that time, there hasn’t been a more bizarre or ignorant movement to emerge than “Queers for Palestine,” also affectionately known as “Gays for Gaza.”
People of sound mind looked aghast at the gay and trans activists who proudly took part in the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel protests that cropped up across the U.S. in the days following the October 7th massacre and continue a year later.
We assumed this had to be a small group of ill-informed individuals who would soon be set right by those more knowledgeable. We expected to see fewer gay pride flags displayed next to the flag worn by the Hamas terrorists. Their hatred for Israel and support for all things woke couldn’t have blinded them to the fact that they would most likely be killed if they were to step foot in Gaza, could it?
We asked in bemusement, “They do know what happens to gays in places like Gaza, right?” Here’s just a taste:
After all, gay rights events have been banned in the West Bank since 2019, with any participants under threat of arrest.
In 2016, Hamas killed one of its own senior terror commanders for having sex with another man. In 2022, a young West Bank man was beheaded for being gay, with his killer sharing video of the atrocity on social media.
Not to bury the lede, but many LGBTQ residents of Gaza seek refuge from persecution and certain death in — wait for it — Israel. Leftists have a propensity for coming down on the wrong side of history.
Nonetheless, the sad reality is that support for Hamas by the LGTBQ community in the U.S. seems to have only grown stronger, leading many frustrated realists to encourage them to take their support right on over to Gaza.
And one such realist is putting some serious money into this effort. Gregory T. Angelo, former president of the Log Cabin Republicans and current president of the New Tolerance Campaign, has offered $1 million to any pro-LGBTQ group that has the cojones to stage a pride parade in either Gaza or the West Bank.
Angelo explained:
“This campaign emerged to call out these purported advocates of LGBT equality and put our money where their mouths are,” he continued. “I think that this is a real opportunity for these groups to legitimately step up and host an event that would either highlight the fact that the Palestinian territories are not indeed a good place for LGBTQ individuals to be living, or it could be a breakthrough moment for pluralism and peace in the Middle East.”
Having been on the front lines of gay activism from the conservative point of view, Angelo deeply understands the mentality of the radical LGBTQ activist community, saying, “On the left in the United States, all oppression is the same oppression. And I think the left, quite to their disservice, lumps everything from racial discrimination to sexual orientation discrimination to gender discrimination to Islamophobia, all under the same umbrella. That’s certainly not the case.”
In short, the left is perpetually offended by the wrong things.
Angelo wants to be clear that his offer is serious and the funds have been acquired.
“I don’t want people to just shrug off this campaign as some kind of publicity stunt or something that is supposed to be comical. It actually is a legitimate offer,” Angelo told Fox News Digital. “Obviously, the $1 million prize is something that is flashy. It was designed to get attention; it was designed to turn heads. But the greater drive behind this project is one of equality and broad human rights.”
So far, there have been no takers.