Rachel Bitecofer Would Spend $100 Million to Run This Biden Clip as an Ad in Every Swing State


On Friday, President Joe Biden held a 1 p.m. rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, and admitted that he didn’t debate as well as he used to — even he wasn’t going to claim he won the debate.


Rachel Bitecofer, who’s a Democrat political strategist, wouldn’t run a clip from the debate as a campaign ad. No — if she had $100 million, she would air this 15-second clip from Biden’s North Carolina rally in every swing state … the part where Biden paraphrases one-hit wonder Chumbawumba’s “Tubthumping.”

Ooh, angry Biden.

We’ve learned from Axios that Biden’s really on his game between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.



Well, it’s a more recent reference than Herbert Hoover. Gen Z won’t get it, still.

We’re sure that one of America’s thousand trillionaires would happily put up $100 million.

What would they use to pad it out to a full 30 seconds?


We’re praying that Biden ignores EVERYBODY (except Dr. Jill) and clings on until the very end.



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