Rand Paul Is Coming out With a Book About the Fauci Coverup and It Will Be Marvelous

Sen. Rand Paul is certainly a busy guy and it seems he will be busy throughout the whole year.

As I wrote here the other day in my post Debt Deal Vote Secret: The Real Fight Will Be in the Senate Not the House of Representatives:

The Biden-McCarthy Fiscal Responsibility Act is anything but responsible. Only in Washington is spending more money than we used to spend considered a “cut.” That’s why I’m introducing the conservative solution.

During a recent interview, Sen. Paul gave a sneak peek of what to expect this fall when the book comes out.

From day one, from January 31 of 2020, [former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and former Chief Medical Advisor to the Ppresident Dr. Anthony Fauci] was conspiring with fellow virologists to cover this up because he knew he had been one of the world’s leading advocates of gain of function research for at least a decade. He’s quoted as saying that gain of function research is so important that even if a pandemic breaks out, it’ll be worth the knowledge. He’d been an advocate for a decade. He was an advocate and the chief architect of funding the lab in Wuhan. So he knew from the very beginning if this leak from the lab in Wuhan, that the guilt, the culpability for the pandemic would attach to his horrific decision to fund this lab. And so, no, he’s been trying to cover it up from day one. It’s only in the last six months or so he started saying this “open mind” thing. But no, he’s been part of an elaborate cover-up to make sure that no one ever knew the truth. But we’re going to get to the truth, I promise.

Well, Sen. Paul is going to have a lot of material to write about, but some of the material that I suspect will be in his book was posted here by some of my esteemed colleagues here at RedState–in particular, Scott Hounsell, with whom I do a Lil Show on Wednesday nights at 8 pm Eastern called RedState VIP Gold Show.

Scott since 2021 has been blistering Anthony Fauci stories in a number of articles. The one listed here takes a particular aim at his exchanges with Sen. Paul: Fauci Just Can’t Stop Lying to Rand Paul and to the Rest of Us. From an excerpt of that article…

I’ll be honest…I’m furious. Why, you ask? I am furious because today I watched Dr. Fauci lie and try to snake his way out emphatic statements he’s made before the committee previously. I am mad that while it is now undebatable, that Dr. Anthony Fauci has lied about the research performed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, under a grant awarded by the NIH to EcoHealth Alliance, not one of these Senators…. not one….. called for Fauci’s resignation besides Rand Paul.

In the eight-and-a-half minute exchange, Senator Paul slammed Fauci for his flat-out lies, demanding that Fauci accept responsibility for lying about the NIH funding the risky research. After a blistering indictment of Fauci’s divergence from the facts, Senator Paul finally put him on the spot.

“Will you today finally take some responsibility for funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan?”

After pausing to collect his lies thoughts, Fauci first took issue with Senator Paul’s use of “gain-of-function,” suggesting that the term is “nebulous.” Fauci then goes on to describe how “outside bodies [have spent] a considerable amount of effort to give a more precise definition to the type of research that is of concern.” Fauci refers to the new P3CO Framework that was released in 2017.

Let’s be clear here. Within literal seconds of Fauci beginning to speak, he is already lying and qualifying his statements, to protect himself from facing Contempt of Congress charges. When Senator Paul confronted Anthony Fauci about the funding of the Wuhan Lab in May, Fauci stated, in no uncertain terms that the NIH:

“has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

When again, in July, Senator Paul questioned Fauci regarding the funding of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab, this time, referencing an NIH-funded study at the lab that spoke of research that met the definition of gain-of-function research, Fauci instead deflected, telling the Senator that the research didn’t rise to the level of gain-of-function. He then followed up with this:

“Sen. Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly, and I would like to say that officially. You do not know what you are talking about,”

I have a sneaking suspicion that Sen. Paul absolutely knows what he is talking about and will not only print it in his upcoming book but will have a field day doing media hits on it when he does.

Now I’m not sitting here and pretending that I understand anything about virology or any of the weighty matters that Senator Paul and others discussed at these events. I thought gain of function research had something to do with Viagra.

However, I do recall the pushback from the federal government and Dr. Fauci encouraging censorship of any discussion on these subjects in regard to disagreeing with their conclusions.

Science I thought was seeking the truth, not suppressing the act of exploration and open dialogue of seeking the facts.

RedState and other media outlets were hit hard by the social media companies for allowing writers to question the official narrative from Fauci and Washington D.C. and that is one of the reasons we have a VIP program here today.

Many of Scott’s articles at the time were behind this paywall where the social media giants could not censor his writings on the lies occurring. That is why we continue to ask that people join today, being we can still get in trouble for saying boys are boys. If you join today and use the code SAVEAMERICA you can save 40 percent and get unfiltered content that wouldn’t be allowed by the leftist-controlled media giants.

When Paul’s book Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up (which you can pre-order now) comes out later this fall, I’m positive that many of the things not only discussed on the VIP pages here at RedState but also whispered in the halls of Congress and media room will finally be brought out to be discussed in full daylight. The Senator was only given short amounts of time in Congressional hearings to question Fauci and others and was only given quick media appearances.

Now in a book the good Senator from Kentucky will be able to lay out his case of how and why the government screwed up the pandemic response and his view that China played a role in it and quite frankly I can’t wait to read it.

Regnery Publishing, which is publishing this book, is a part of the Salem Media Group company that also owns RedState.


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