This gross-out action-comedy, which sees an emo teenager sucked into a deranged conspiracy plot, lays hard on the absurdism.
“Rats!”, a gross-out action-comedy in the vein of “Pineapple Express” and “Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle,” throws us back into the suburban-youth aesthetics of the mid-aughts: its Hot Topic threads, pop-punk music and chintzy s toner décor. Set in a fictional version of Fresno, Tex., called Pfresno, circa 2007, this underdog caper also satirizes the state’s conservative culture — its thing for gun rights and law enforcement.
In the beginning of the film, Raphael (Luke Wilcox), a listless 19-year-old, is caught graffiti tagging a phone booth. Officer Williams (Danielle Evon Ploeger), a comically noxious policewoman, tackles the teen to the ground, leading to his arrest and his forced embroilment in a sting operation against his cousin Mateo (Darius R. Autry).
Mateo is a genial weed-dealer whose roomies include a pet pig and a meth-smoking squatter — though he’s obviously not the homicidal plutonium dealer Williams suspects him to be.
The directors Maxwell Nalevansky and Carl Fry build out this madcap conspiracy story with potty humor (courtesy of the very unladylike Officer Williams), bloody practical effects and surreal flourishes, which play out against intentionally unglamorous backdrops (strip malls and shabby backyards).
Bizarre digressions (like the screening of a rap music video about the joys of selling crack; or the perverse relationship between a foxy, cocaine-addicted reporter and her cameraman) will leave you slack jawed, whether you vibe with the film’s particularly obscene style of deadpan absurdism or not.
If anything, the onslaught of weirdness is hypnotizing. As a visibly small-scale and local undertaking, the film feels genuinely connected to a vision of working-class Texas and its various characters. “I don’t know any of these people, this is just my circumstance,” says Raphael in one scene, which feels like a meta commentary on the experience of living in a country of such vast contradictions.
Not rated. Running time: 1 hour 25 minutes. In theaters.