RedState Weekly Briefing: Biden’s Senility, Iran’s Hubris, Gorsuch’s Incisiveness


Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing  — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee, and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication! 


#1 – SENILE: Joe Biden’s Painfully Awkward Trip to a Gas Station Is a Major Red Flag — by Bonchie

Walking in flanked by Secret Service agents, no one seems especially impressed to see Biden. There’s no large crowd and no one expressing support like you see when Donald Trump visits a public establishment. After slowly meandering to the counter, the president does manage to get one person to take a selfie with him while everyone else just stands around. He then just turns around and walks out. The entire visit took around two minutes. 

As a political matter, this was a box-checking exercise and an ill-advised one at that. The contrast being drawn with Trump is not a good one, and I don’t just mean the lack of enthusiasm because what sticks out the most in that video is just how weak and feeble Biden is.


#2 – Why Iran May Have Just Overplayed Its Hand by Attacking Israel — by Bonchie

Let’s game this out, taking some of the most hysterical suggestions at face value. For example, what are the chances this turns into a “regional war” being fought by multiple state powers against Israel? The answer to that is almost zero. Most of the Arab nations hate the Iranian regime and want to see it falter. Sure enough, instead of offering support to Iran, the Saudis and Jordanians immediately pledged to shoot down any Iranian projectiles and aircraft that violated their airspace. 

There is no reason to believe any other nation in the Middle East will join Iran in a hot war against Israel. The Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria, one of Iran’s only true allies in the region, has no capacity to do anything but hold what territory it still has following its civil war. The rest of the Arab nations are mostly aligned against Iran, even if not explicitly. Yes, they make a lot of noise in Arabic about the Palestinian issue, but that’s for domestic consumption. When push comes to shove, they aren’t putting their necks on the line for Iran.



#3 – SO GOOD: During Oral Arguments, Justice Gorsuch Goes There on January 6th Defendants and Jamaal Bowman — by Bonchie

To this point, the conservative justices have shown some skepticism of the government’s case, which U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar is presenting. On that front, Justice Neil Gorsuch asked a question that many of us have been pondering. Namely, he asked whether Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), who pulled a fire alarm before an important House vote and impeded a congressional proceeding, could be charged under the same statute. Astonishingly, the government responded with a “no.”

The extended clip below also includes some excellent questions regarding left-wing protesters obstructing official proceedings.


#4 – Biden Gets Caught on Camera With Embarrassingly Detailed Cheat Sheet — by Nick Arama

I suppose we should count ourselves lucky that he didn’t read the stage direction here, something he’s done with the teleprompter in the past. When you even have to tell him when to pause for a translator, you know there’s a deep problem. He’s not able to operate without a script. So, who’s really running this chicken outfit that’s occupying the White House? 

This was Biden’s first public comment after he had to come running (shuffling) back to the White House from his vacation at his beach house prior to the Iran attack on Israel. 

Meanwhile, the Iraqi prime minister didn’t need any notes to make his off-the-cuff remarks like a normal person.



#5 – Another Teacher Gets Caught Having Sex With a Student – The Newsy Part Is Who She’s Married To — by Mike Miller

Yeah, so here we go, again. Another teacher has been caught having sex with a student. But here’s the not  “here we go, again” part: The 45-year-old substitute teacher was caught in the act in the backseat of her husband’s car, and he’s a Harvard-educated director at the U.S. Department of Defense.

In my mind, that makes the story newsworthy.

Erin Ward, 45, allegedly confessed to having sex with the 17-year-old boy — a student at Burke High School in Nebraska where she worked as a part-time teacher.


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