Take budgeting, for example. The default practice for most public-sector organizations is “incremental budgeting” — the practice of rolling over budgets from one year to the next, making only small adjustments to line items. While this seems simple, as time passes and budgets are rolled over for many years, there is no evaluation of how the budgets align with current priorities. The challenges and demands faced by the organization may no longer be the same challenges that the budget was initially designed to address.
In order for government to become more responsive, traditional methods of budgeting must give way to innovative approaches like priority-based budgeting, where funding is directly tied to measurable community goals and impact. So says Tyler Technologies and Envisio, two public-sector-focused companies working in this area who have joined forces to promote the benefits of a different approach.
On this episode ofICYMI, Stefan Baerg and Chris Fabian join Dustin Haisler and Joe Morris to discuss their collaboration, their work with the Government Finance Officers Association, and how priority-based budgeting allows governments to deliver upon priorities and optimize their budgets, providing more opportunities for efficiency and accountability.
- Tyler’s solution for priority-based budgeting
- How Envisio supports reimagining budgeting
- The Government Finance Officer Association’s (GFOA’s) rethinking budgeting initiative
- Resources for change makers from the GFOA
- Kansas City, Mo., press release on priority-based budgeting
In Case You Missed It is Government Technology’s weekly news roundup and interview live show featuring e.Republic* President Dustin Haisler and Chief Innovation Officer Joe Morris as they bring their analysis and insight to the week’s most important stories in state and local government.
Follow along live Fridays at 12 p.m. PST on LinkedIn and YouTube.
*e.Republic is Government Technology’sparent company.