‘Rope-a-Dope’: CNBC Host Drops Much-Needed Reality Check on Kamala Harris Co-Chair Over Media Access


It has not been a good week so far for surrogates of the Harris-Walz presidential campaign, and it’s only Tuesday. In their defense, though, speaking on behalf of Kamala Harris is an especially tall order considering the nominee herself has so much trouble articulating her vision for the future of America, but I digress.


As we previously reported, one of them – Democrat strategist Kelly Hyman – was doing a Fox News interview Monday when she was asked about Harris’ so-called plan to lower prices. 

The more host Sandra Smith pressed her on the issue – especially on whether the “price-gouging” Harris claimed she wanted to combat was actually happening, the more perplexed and agitated Hyman became. Towards the end of the segment, Hyman accused Smith of being “disrespectful,” and soon after, the heated interview concluded.

READ MORE–>>Pure Gold: Kamala Surrogate Implodes When Fox Host Asks What Harris’ Plan to Lower Prices Is

It didn’t get much better on Tuesday, when Harris-Walz campaign co-chair Chris Coons appeared on CNBC’s Squawk Box, only to get a reality check dropped on him over Kamala Harris’ calculated media avoidance strategy.

Here’s what Kernen had to say:

“If she would come on, we could get answers to a lot of these things. And I’m just wondering, as a surrogate that advises the campaign – there is an effort to rope-a-dope this thing right ’til the election, in my view. And the other side’s done 40 or 50 interviews with JD Vance. I don’t have to take my shoes off to count on my fingers and toes how many interviews that she’s done along with Gov. Walz, and that looks like a deliberate effort just not to face the hard questions.

I think Americans might finally say, you know, I don’t like the way this is working […] that we would like to see questions asked and answers provided for all these things. We may never get that, we’ve only got like 40 days left.”


In response, Sen. Coons tried to pretend like Harris calling for another debate and GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump declining the suggestion showed she was willing to answer questions, saying that a debate stage was a great way to get “direct questions” answered.

Kernen responded accordingly, saying “So is just sitting down (for) an interview with anyone.”

Coons then attempted to dodge by talking about the United Nations General Assembly and Trump, but Kernen wasn’t having it and pivoted right back to the issue at hand.

“But the answer is she’s too busy?” Kernen asked. “That should be in a stack list. That would be number one for my stack list is to be transparent and open about what my plans are if I’m elected president.”


Kamala Harris is not doing many interviews for numerous reasons, including the fact that she’s very bad at them and frequently devolves into incoherent word salads that are not translatable into something most Americans would be able to understand – especially when she has to explain why she’s flip-flopped on so many of the campaign positions she took during her failed 2019 presidential run.

Further, what few “plans” Harris actually does have are ones that she’d prefer her handlers describe in vague, generalized terms or otherwise tucked under her hat until after the election to fool people into thinking she’s some type of middle-of-the-road politico who won’t go too far left on any given issue.

Also, Coons lied through his teeth when he said debates are a great way to get questions answered because as we saw at the ABC News debate, Kamala Harris didn’t answer any question she was asked – nor was she fact-checked by the liberally biased moderators who turned it into a three on one against Trump.


Kamala Harris wants another debate because she knows the moderators likely will be in her corner. She doesn’t want to do many interviews because they usually end badly for her and reveal who she really is. 

Kernen is right. She and her campaign are just hoping to run out the clock between now and November with her interacting as little as possible with the press. But the point stands that the more she does this the more people are going to ask themselves something along the lines of “If she can’t handle an interview with a mostly Democrat-compliant press corps, how is she going to fare when meeting with world leaders?” 

We know the answers to that already thanks to nearly four years of learning all about KamalaSpeak, but will a majority of Americans ultimately see it the same way? We’ll find out in November.

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