San Antonio-area tattoo shops offering tattoos for $20 or less on Friday the 13th

SAN ANTONIO – Thirteen has long been considered an unlucky number but the myth of the cursed Friday the 13th is actually good news for people who like deals on tattoos.

Tattoo parlors frequently offer deals on Friday the 13th and the tradition continues in 2023.

January and October are the only two months that will have a Friday the 13th this year, which means there will be two opportunities to get a special on a tattoo at local tattoo parlors around San Antonio.

Tattoo parlors typically have a pre-made list of flash tattoos for patrons to choose from and the cost is usually $13. Some shops have rules that require a minimum $7 tip while others charge a service fee but rules vary from shop to shop.

Some tattoo shops extend the Friday the 13th special for an entire weekend and some shops start several days early to accommodate the high demand for the Friday the 13th specials.

KSAT has confirmed that the following parlors plan to participate in January 2023:

The shops listed expect to have long lines and operate on a first-come, first-served basis.

This list will be updated as more shops confirm their participation.

Friday the 13th facts:

A month has to start on a Sunday for the 13th to fall on a Friday.
There can be no more than three in the same calendar year.
All years will have at least one Friday the 13th.
Fourteen months is the longest you can go without seeing a Friday the 13th.

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