San Antonio Startup Week celebrates, helps provide for new generations of local businesses

SAN ANTONIO – San Antonio Startup Week is billed as San Antonio’s celebration of startups and their journeys – but it is also an opportunity to teach the next generation of great local businesses.

The businesses range from 3-D printing, to meditation.

“We’re creating automation software for manufacturers that use 3-D printing. So making it easy for companies to get their items produced and get them to have it produced on time,” Caleb Scott, the founder and CEO of PrintNet3D said.

Scott, 19, joined the startup community at just 14 years old and chose San Antonio for a special reason.

“San Antonio is very different from all of those communities, just because it’s a community. It’s not people that are trying to go at each other and trying to win against each other. It’s everyone collaborating and helping out and trying to build with each other. That’s why I choose San Antonio and that’s why I believe everyone should choose San Antonio,” Scott said.

San Antonio Startup Week has an extensive schedule for speakers, presentations and learning opportunities.

“What we’re trying to do this year is trying to highlight all the startups that are happening, all the innovation that’s happening and also show all the resources that are available to entrepreneurs and founders here in our city,” Phillip Hernandez, COO of Geekdom said.

Mayor Ron Nirenberg spoke on Monday at Startup Week and said the county provides a $100,000 for a local startup competition, and that this sort of buy-in from the community really helps spark this ecosystem.

“Now to see the mayor, see the judge, the county, see everybody get involved is validating, it is something that is just really exciting,” Hernandez said.

The city of San Antonio as a result has seen growth in the local startup community over the last decade, and it could just be the start.

“I think it’s going to be one of the biggest tech hubs as we continue on, but it’s not going to look like anywhere else. So it’s going to be exciting,” Scott said.

If you are more interested in Startup Week, you can find more information by clicking here.


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