Scott Jennings Just GOES OFF When Wolf Blitzer Tries Playing ‘Both Sides’ Card and It’s GLORIOUS (Watch)


It’s cute how the Left, Democrats, and the media think they can play the ‘both sides are violent’ card in defense of what happened to President Trump yesterday. Adorbs even.


Scott Jennings was more than happy to inform Wolf Blitzer, everyone on CNN, and everyone watching that we’re done letting that go. We’re done letting them control the narrative because their narrative is getting people hurt.

Even killed.

No more.

Watch THIS:


We could watch the look on Blizer’s face over and over and over again. And please, the time for cooling rhetoric was WAY BEFORE Trump got shot, Wolf. FFS.

Of course it’s Trump’s fault for getting shot.

We fully expected the a-holes in the mainstream media to pull that.



Oh, we’re sure they’ll find a way to somehow tie this to January 6th and how it’s all Republican’s fault or something else stupid.

That’s what they do.



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